Social Question

chyna's avatar

Do you have an interesting, fun, or horrible first date story?

Asked by chyna (51730points) March 20th, 2023 from iPhone

First date story from years ago: I met a guy at the gym, we talked several times, so he seemed okay. We decided to go out to dinner. He showed up at my house with a six pack of beer. I said, I thought we were going out to dinner. He said yeah, but let’s have a couple of beers first. He proceeded to drink 5 beers.
I went to my kitchen to answer my phone and when I came back, he had passed out on the couch. What a light weight! After only 5 beers. I couldn’t get him to wake up, so I went to my bedroom and locked the door. He was gone when I got up the next day.
What’s your story?

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23 Answers

janbb's avatar

Well, there was that time when the guy took a nap on a park bench in the middle of the date and then said to me at the end, “Frankly, there wasn’t any spark!” Also, he didn’t have any cash and I had to pay the entrance to the museum.

Acrylic's avatar

First date? I took her to a toy store, Child’s World. It must have worked, because in a few months we’ll be celebrating being married 30 years.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@Acrylic I think that anecdote could probably benefit from a little bit more context.

Anyhow… date turned up claimed she had a bad back. Said she couldn’t get comfortable sitting on the tube and decided to lie down. Couldn’t get back up.

Important safety tip. Don’t lie down on a tube train in central London on a Friday night.

janbb's avatar

@Lightlyseared It took me a reread to figure out which “tube” you meant!

Lightlyseared's avatar

@janbb Tube is a much more fun name than subway or underground :)

janbb's avatar

@Lightlyseared Agree and as someone who lived inLondon, I should know it. It was just a funny mental image for a moment.

Dig_Dug's avatar

Damn, I can only think of X-rated date stories…

Dutchess_III's avatar

I accepted a date with a a guy. We were supposed to go to Wichita 50 miles away for dinner. He seemed ok. Well, he wasn’t ok when he picked me up. He was wasted. He told me he was so nervous about our date that he took a handful of Zanex. I managed to convince him to stay in town for dinner, where the speed limit wasn’t over 30. Then managed to convince him him to take me home. It was kind of scary because he was so unpredictable.
There was no 2nd date.

gorillapaws's avatar

There was this girl in college I liked (She looked a lot like a young Kristin Scott Thomas). I took her out to a party and got her wasted for the first time. I helped her back to her room and she seemed very keen on getting intimate. I told her that there was nothing more in the world that I wanted more at that moment but to get intimate with her, but that she was too drunk and I didn’t want to take advantage of her.

A day or two later I called her up to grab something to eat, and we went for a “date” on campus to get a meal. I was thinking she’d be really impressed by the fact that I respected her enough to walk away and not take advantage of her. It was super-awkward though. I think she was weirded out that I didn’t want to hook up with her or something. It never went anywhere. There’s a part of me that always wonders how that could have turned out if things had gone down differently.

NoMore's avatar

Eighth Grade school dance. My dad pulled some strings and got the Post Officers Club to host the dance there. Anyway dad drove me and my girlfriend to the dance, and I know that was lame but neither of us drive er were only in Jr. High. So we got there and dad stayed to chaperone. Some of the kids were kids of his men I guess he felt responsible. I was talking to my buds and
Becky got mad and told me were together and were going to dance. My dad bought is both a coke and whispered to me to get off ass and dance (he always liked her). We danced to. Michelle by the Beatles and he was wearing a blue velvet dress. Ever since when hear the song Blue Velvet it brings back that memory. : )

JLoon's avatar

Did I tell the one about dating Kahled, the crazy gorgeous sexy Saudi exchange student who -

• Asked if I could pick him up because he didn’t have a US license, but insisted I let him drive because he “needed to relax”;

• Ordered our dinner in French and argued with the waitress because she didn’t understand (it was Olive Garden);

• Offered to give me $200 to drive to a park after we ate, and prove to him that I really did play basketball;

• Said he thought I was really a man pretending to be a woman after I showed him I could dunk… ?

And so much more.


That one 0_o

chyna's avatar

Are you still together? :-)

JLoon's avatar

You mean emotionally scarred?


Oh yes ;p

Forever_Free's avatar

Yes, I have all of those. Interesting, horrible, fun, insane.

I was asked out on a date and the girl came with her twin sister. I have to stop there.

filmfann's avatar

Do you have an interesting, fun, or horrible first date story?

No, but several girls I dated do.

NoMore's avatar

After hearing some of these horror stories, I think if I had my life to live over I’d abstain from dating and be a priest. Lol

seawulf575's avatar

Took the girl bowling. She said she didn’t bowl very well, and I told her I didn’t either. I was usually lucky to get 120. But it was something to do that allowed us time get to know each other. So we started bowling and for some unknown reason, I bowled the best game of my life…over 200. She was sure I had been lying to her and I couldn’t convince her otherwise. Trust was gone, no second date.

Forever_Free's avatar

^^ kudos on your over 200 game.

flutherother's avatar

I dated a woman once through a left of centre newspaper and we met for coffee. She was moderately attractive and quite fun to be with so as we prepared to leave I asked her if she wanted to meet up again. She began laughing and her laughter went on and on. There was no second date and I’m not even sure there was a first date.

zenvelo's avatar

I finally asked my friend’s cousin Nadine out to dinner. When I picked her up she apologized for not having anything to drink in her place. We headed to a restaurant and had a cocktail, and then had some wine when we were seated.

Half way through her second glass of wine, Nadine was wasted. She must have been on a valium or a Quaalude, because she was trashed. She had really long hair and she ordered tortellini in an alfredo sauce. She shoveled the food like she had not eaten in a week, then passed out in the half eaten platter of pasta. Her hair was covered in alfredo sauce. I asked for the check, paid and got her out of there.

janbb's avatar

@zenvelo Definitely qualifies as a horrible first date!

RocketGuy's avatar

I went to a show with a very introverted woman. When I looked over at the end of the show, she was in the fetal position in her seat! I think there were too many strangers around, including me. Probably should have looked into a first date with fewer people around.

seawulf575's avatar

I did have another first date that was off. I had a 1973 Buick Riviera at the time. Great car, huge engine. On my way over to the girls house (her parent’s house), the muffler fell off the car. I pulled into the driveway with all the stealth of sherman tank. I had to ask for a coat hanger to hang it back up. Dad was less than impressed. I got under the car and lifted the muffler to put it back into place and it fell off in my hand. So into the trunk it went and it was even louder than before. But we went to dinner and had a great time and I actually dated her a few times. Of course I got the muffler fixed before I went back over to her house.

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