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Tropical_Willie's avatar

Can you drive a standard shift ?

Asked by Tropical_Willie (31621points) March 20th, 2023

I ask because a saw a meme that said something like “anti-theft” device a standard shift.

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42 Answers

Caravanfan's avatar

Yes, but I’m older and learned to drive in an era where standard shifts were common.

Dig_Dug's avatar

Which ones Drive?

janbb's avatar

Yes. i drove only automatics at first but my Ex taught me how to drive a shift when we were young marrieds. Now I have one of each.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Dig_Dug you “fail” but that is okay ‘cause you are younger.

Driving shift shirt takes practice. Go practice @Dig_Dug

chyna's avatar

Yes, my first 3 cars were standard shifts.

JLeslie's avatar

Yes I can. My parents can’t, just to be the exception to the generalizations about age.

My husband always jokes that it’s an anti-theft device.

I’d bet money the thieves know how to drive a stick shift. Lol. Most of America can’t, but thieves and valets can.

jca2's avatar

Yes, it’s what I learned on when I was 18. I tell people once you learn, you’ll know it forever. I also think it’s good in case you’re ever in an emergency situation and the only car available is a stick shift, you’ll be able to drive it.

From what I understand, in order to buy a new car now that’s standard shift, you have to special order it.

gorillapaws's avatar

Yes. I feel it made me a better driver overall.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 Some cars don’t come standard at all. Some Porsches of all things you can’t buy with a clutch.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Yes, still have one too. Daily driver.

JLoon's avatar


And I can start a fire without matches.

Armageddon I am READY !

JLeslie's avatar

I told my husband I want a clutch, electric, convertible. Doesn’t exist.

With more and more electric and hybrid the stick shift clutch cars will fade into the sunset.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Absolutely; I learned standard shift by driving a tractor (farm), when I got old enough to drive a car, it was an easy job to adapt.

gondwanalon's avatar

When I first got my driver’s license at age 16 I asked my Mom if I may drive her car. She asked me if I could drive a “standard” (4 speed manual transmission with a clutch). I told her yes. But I had never actually driven a car with a manual transmission. I had been paying close attention to my Mom’s driving a manual transmission for many years. I knew exactly what to do. I just popped the clutch a couple times and I was good to go. No problema. HA!

Oh and I can roll down car windows manually also.

kritiper's avatar

The pick-up truck I drive daily has a stick shift.

Brian1946's avatar

I haven’t driven a standard since October, 1996, but I think I still could.


“Which ones Drive?”

If you’re asking what “position” on a stick shift is drive, you could say there are 4 “drive” positions on a 4-speed: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th gears.

I had a 1980 Ford Fiesta 4-grinder.

The shift pattern formed an upper-case H.
1st was at the top of the left vertical part.
2nd was at the bottom of it.
To get to 3rd I had to shift up (forward) from 2nd to Neutral, shift right, and then up to the top right vertical part.
4th was at the bottom.

filmfann's avatar

Yes. I bought a car with a manual transmission car, then learned on it. Kinda forced me into it.

Acrylic's avatar

Of course. Right now I drive a 2008 Ford Focus with a 5 speed. Work truck has an Eaton-Fuller non-synchronized 10 speed.

snowberry's avatar

Yes. I learned how to drive a standard about 1990.

LostInParadise's avatar

Yes, my current car is standard shift.

seawulf575's avatar

I learned to drive on a 1954 Chevy Bel Air. Didn’t have automatic, didn’t have a stick. It had “3-on-the-Tree”. The shifter was on the steering column. I have driven many manual transmissions since then. Shoot, I’m old enough to even know what that button is between the pedals.

Acrylic's avatar

@seawulf575 Some years ago I had a 1977 Ford Maverick with that 3 on the tree. Fun car. That button is to turn on the headlight brights.

canidmajor's avatar

Yup, still miss it. I switched to automatic when I moved to be closer to aging parents and had to drive in super high traffic areas.

Forever_Free's avatar

Yes. My current Jeep is a 6 Speed Standard.
Most of my vehicles over the years have been Stick.

Dig_Dug's avatar

@Brian1946 Why did you need so many drives?

SnipSnip's avatar

I never bought an auto trans car until several years ago when I bought this little small sedan so my elderly mother could easily get in and out of it. She has come to be limited to wheelchair. I will probably look for a new car in the next year or so, and yes, I would love to get back to a stick making driving fun again.

Everyone should know how to drive a stick shift… opinion.

janbb's avatar

@SnipSnip Will you be looking for an electric car, do you think?

KNOWITALL's avatar

Yes, it was mandatory in our family.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

^^^^Here are the cars offered in US with standard transmissions, no Corvettes!^^^^

JLeslie's avatar

Interesting how so many of the regular jellies know how to drive a stick.

I wonder if everyone’s children can also, just picking up on the age thing. I know my nephew can, I assume his sister can too, although I am not sure. They are around 30 years old.

janbb's avatar

I believe my younger son can. He drove my Ex’s Z3 sometimes.

JLeslie's avatar

When my parents were growing up neither sets of their parents had cars or drove cars. My parents learned to drive in their 20’s. My maternal grandmother learned in her 50’s! I give her credit for doing it. I remember my dad helping her drive before she took her test.

Forever_Free's avatar

I taught my daughter how to drive my jeep with a manual. My Dad taught me on his 67 Mustang that I still own.
She steals my Jeep every time she can because it is fun and an engaged driving experience.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I prefer manual transmissions, but Mrs Squeeky refused to learn and she demanded my new pickup was an automatic and I relented to keep her happy.

RocketGuy's avatar

Yep, I drove a 5-speed Integra of one kind or another from 1986 to 2011.

Zaku's avatar

Yes. But I don’t steal cars.

RocketGuy's avatar

But you can steal stick shit cars if you wanted. Not so for some of those punks.

seawulf575's avatar

I also had one of these, but not nearly in this good of condition. You sit down into these cars. Stick shift for sure. But it is like driving a street legal go-kart.

SnipSnip's avatar

@janbb I don’t think so. The main thing is that it have more toughness…truckiness. I like to get to where I want to be, even if it’s on the other side of a field. I want to be high enough to drive through a bit of water. If I had not been in my brother’s truck the day after Hurricane Ian, I would not have made it home for days. Also, insurance seems to be more reasonable for trucks.

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