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Jeruba's avatar

Do you read any newspapers from outside your area?

Asked by Jeruba (56255points) March 24th, 2023

Not necessarily an actual printed newspaper, though it may still exist in that form. I don’t know what to call them anymore, those online news sources that are the heirs of city and regional newspapers—that originate in and reflect some specific local area, along with wider coverage: e.g.,
The New York Times
The Des Moines Register
The San Francisco Chronicle
The Sydney Morning Herald
The Scotsman
The South China Morning Post
The Boston Globe
—to name a few.

If so, what do you look for in them, and what do you gain from reading them?

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9 Answers

Entropy's avatar

Yes. My local area paper, the Baltimore Sun, is terrible. It’s completely in bed with local politicians. It attacks the challengers they don’t like, and looks the other way as the ones it’s in bed with use the city and state govt as their piggy bank. It’s like Pravda.

For a time, I read the Washington Post, but I felt it was redundant with other left-leaning sources I was consuming so I switched to the Wall Street Journal so that I would have a conservative leaning source to balance the PBS NewsHour which was my other main news source at the time.

I have a philosophy that one should ALWAYS have at least one news source from either side of the aisle because there is no such thing as unbiased journalism…maybe there never was, but if there was, it’s definitely long since dead.

I was quite impressed with WSJ. They seemed to have a pretty good insight into alot of things that other sources were missing, including some aspects I had inside knowledge about. My father also had a similar experience. Their opinion pages are pretty biased, but the news coverage is actually much less biased than what I see in most other papers.

After I left WaPost, I went back later after I’d stopped watching NewsHour and considered getting an online subscription to WaPost to be my left-source, but by this point the old family that used to own it had moved on, and the decline in professionalism was REALLY stark under Bezos. Every article was littered with bias words and emotional priming. It was awful to see such a formerly glorious paper having fallen so far. So needless to say, I cancelled my trial subscription.

filmfann's avatar

I read the Washington Post, though I am on the Left Coast.

jca2's avatar

The only paper I look at on a regular basis is the NY Times, and that’s local for me.

flutherother's avatar

I don’t read any regularly but search engines sometimes take me to detailed and well researched articles in newspapers. Unfortunately, I am shut out from many of these sources by pay walls. I occasionally look at the Mobile Press-Register as I used to live in the area. I was sorry to see the print version recently stopped publication.

Forever_Free's avatar

I get the physical NY Times daily and the Sunday Washington Post. I read them in the pure form as I get them.
Neither are local to me.

JLeslie's avatar

I read New York Times and Washington Post when people mention an article they think I should read. I don’t look at it daily.

I also sometimes read articles that reporters in the company I work for write. We haven’t been doing a lot of business lately though.

We regularly write for Daily Chatter, and fairly regularly Washington Times. Also, sporadically Religious News, Boston Globe, New York Times, and Jerusalem Post, but I’m just reading the one article, not browsing the paper.

Years ago we wrote regularly for Die Zeit (German periodical) Al Fanar (Middle East) and many others.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I get a morning news brief delivered to my email from The Guardian and the Japan Times.

Caravanfan's avatar

I live in the Bay Area and I read the LA Times.

raum's avatar

A little bit of everything.
But nothing consistently.

BBC, AP, NPR, New York Times, Los Angeles Times. San Diego Union-Tribune for nostalgia. I even read Fox News sometimes to see how the other half lives.

I’m in the Bay Area.

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