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Dig_Dug's avatar

Do you remember being in a high chair?

Asked by Dig_Dug (4259points) March 25th, 2023

I can remember sitting in a high chair at the kitchen table. So I must have been about 16 months or so? It’s only a brief memory but I can see it like it just happened. Can you remember that far back?

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26 Answers

Strauss's avatar

I’m in my seventies and I can still remember my high chair. I can also vaguely remember the crib I slept in. Vague memories of both, but I definitely rem!

JLoon's avatar

Was that you ??

Sorry I had to cut you off after four sippy cups, but you were really getting out of control.

Entropy's avatar

No. I have memories of the house, neighborhood and friends I had that I know my family moved out of when I was 7yo. I remember a variety of things there, but nothing about being in a high chair.

Brian1946's avatar

Yes, but now my feet touch the floor.

One time I was eating a bowl of pablum.

The doorbell rang, and instead of lifting the tray to exit the chair, I just stood up and when I tried to walk to the door, tripped over the legs.

I wound up flat on the floor, with a face full of baby food! ;-o

NoMore's avatar

Well, my parents never believed this and neither will you folks. But I remember a snippet of my first birthday party. Had a cake with a cowboy mounted on a horse on it. Found an old photo of my first b day in an old album after my mom passed away. Yup, me sitting on the kitchen table with a cake and a cowboy with horse on it.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I don’t think my parent bought a high until my sister, third kid was born !

SnipSnip's avatar

No. I remember my sister sitting in it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

No, earliest memory is about three years old but that’s about it.

filmfann's avatar

I remember waking up in my crib, and looking at the nursery rhyme curtains over the window.

Ltryptophan's avatar

I remember receiving bottles vividly. I also remember how bizarre it was seeing the ceilings of the places I visited in a stroller.

flutherother's avatar

I remember lying in a cot and I remember being bathed in a sink but I don’t remember being in a high chair.

gondwanalon's avatar

I don’t remember the high chair but I remember the crib and climbing out. They had to put a net over the top of the crib to keep me in.

snowberry's avatar

I don’t remember the high chair real well, but I have a vague memory of being in diapers. I also remember having a tantrum because my mother couldn’t understand my baby talk, and she put me in my crib to cool off. I cried myself to sleep, and woke up still angry so I cried again.

Dig_Dug's avatar

@JLoon lol, I tend to get out of control even now ;)
@all love reading these stories!

gondwanalon's avatar

Here you go.
Back in the early 50’s they used diaper pins. One day my Mother was putting on my baby shoes I started screaming bloody murder. She took the shoe off and I stopped screaming. She said something like, “What’s wrong with you?” Then she put the shoe back on and I started screaming bloody murder again. She took the shoe off and looked inside and saw that there was one of my diaper pins inside of my shoe.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I don’t remember my being in that high chair; however, I remember EVERY child after me who sat in it. It was a family heirloom that resided at my grandparents house. I was the oldest grand & I put most of those following me in that chair somewhere along the way. It was a beautiful old chair & I can still see it in my mind’s eye…but I don’t remember ever sitting in it.

I’m sure that we also had one at our house, but I have absolutely NO memory of that one. Guess it didn’t impress me much!!!

JLeslie's avatar

No. My first memory is my mom putting my sister in the crib, I must have been a few months past my 3rd birthday.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My first memory is of my dad picking me up to see a very unremarkable baby in a bassinet. I was right at 3 years old.

NoMore's avatar

@Dutchess_III Unremarkable? Isn’t that a kind of harsh thing to say about your baby sis? Just sayin’.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I just didn’t understand what the big deal was! It was just a baby!

NoMore's avatar

Lol. @Dutchess_III. I feel ya. I had a similar feeling the first time I watched my mom change my baby sister’s diaper. Mom told me later that I yelled out to her in in shock, Take back to the doctor mommy! She doesn’t have a dingy! She said she almost fell down laughing.

RayaHope's avatar

I don’t remember that good, but maybe about 4–5. I kinda block out some of my past because of stuff that happened back then.

Zaku's avatar

Not in great detail, but yes.

It’s because I remembered it when I was younger, and then I kept remembering remembering it.

RocketGuy's avatar

Mel Brooks: High Anxiety!

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