Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

To those who drink, do you feel you have more love to give unconditionally when drunk?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29261points) March 30th, 2023 from iPhone

What other positive feelings do you have when drunk?

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14 Answers

Forever_Free's avatar

I do not see or understand the connection here.
While I do enjoy about a drink a week and have not found myself drunk since I was in college perhaps I can’t see the connection. Forgive me, but I also can’t see any positive benefits to being drunk, nor would I want to even joke about it.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I readily admit I’m much more fun and interesting, even outgoing, when drinking. Not necessarily more loving, perhaps less inhibitions sexually.

I drink if I want but not daily, since I’m focused on my health. Because I’m wound pretty tight, my doctor actually rrecommended wine or liquor on occasion, since I hate pills.

gorillapaws's avatar

I’d say it’s more affection than love, but sure, it brings out the happy feelings and fosters a generosity of spirit.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Love and drunk have no connection !

MrGrimm888's avatar

Be warry of the Siren’s song…

MrGrimm888's avatar

A dog can love unconditionally, without end. And without alcohol.

flutherother's avatar

It might feel that way but your emotions are out of kilter and shallow when you are drunk and expressions of love can’t be relied upon. Anyway, I’d rather wake up in bed with the woman I love than with a hangover.

JLoon's avatar

I don’t always drink, but when I do it’s unconditional and sex is never impossible.

But Love is something else – and always more complicated.

seawulf575's avatar

having a drink and getting drunk are not the same thing. I have a drink fairly frequently. But that’s just it…A drink. My wife thought about it a while back and realized that she has only seen me drunk 2 or 3 times in our marriage of 22 years.

When I HAVE been drunk I don’t have more love that I know of. I’m a happy drunk, I guess, but not sappy.

JLeslie's avatar

As someone who doesn’t drink, and I freely admit some tipsy or drunk people are more “lovey” and cuddly, I’ve never met someone who drinks regularly, and I mean daily when I say regularly, who isn’t annoying eventually due to their drinking. They are not fun when they don’t get their drink, and usually they are impaired quite often, even if they don’t realize it.

My ex-boyfriend was one of those cuddly people when he drank. Laughed a lot, fun, nice. Thank goodness he was a nice drunk. Nothing worse than an abusive mean drunk person.

I’ve been drunk a handful of times. I don’t feel more unconditional love for people.

raum's avatar

For some reason, I’m way better at pool when I’ve had a few drinks. I won a pool tournament in my college dorm after a few shots. I remember the final guy I beat was so pissed that he slammed the door on the way out.

Sober, I might have been offended by his poor sportsmanship. Drunk, I found it hilarious.

Dutchess_III's avatar

By “love” do you mean sex?

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