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Strauss's avatar

What can I do about my dog's gas?

Asked by Strauss (23914points) March 30th, 2023

I know changing her diet will help, and we’re working on that. And it’s not a problem all the time. But when she strikes she is usually laying on the bed with her head away from us and fanning the fumes with her tail towards us. There isn’t enough Febreze in the world!

Any suggestions?

Humor is welcome, but I really wanna know!

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8 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Stop feeding them broccoli, cabbage, kim-chi, onions and beans ! !

kritiper's avatar

Feed the dog a quality dry food like Purina. Do not let the dog eat anything except the dry dog food. Keep any oily or greasy foods away from the dog. Keep the dog off the bed and get a big fluffy dog bed that stays on the floor.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Use a whinebottle cork…

longgone's avatar

You can try adding a bit of fennel tea to her food to calm her bowels. I’d also get a stool sample to the vet and test for parasites such as giardia, unless you’re feeding very cheap kibble or varying her diet a lot. Because what you’re describing sounds extreme. For comparison: I have two dogs and “babysit” five others periodically. Still, I experience dog gas no more than maaaybe once a month or so. And even then it’s mild, happens once, and is over after a bathroom break.

I’m not sure what it means to be working on changing a dog’s diet. Are you saying she isn’t tolerating any of the food you’ve tried? Because then, you might want to get her checked for allergies. If you just aren’t sure what kibble to get: any high-quality dog food will eliminate that issue immediately and for good. If she’s picky: a cheap and simple way to make kibble more exciting for dogs is to stir in a spoonful of babyfood or unsweetened applesauce/yogurt.

snowberry's avatar

Have you already taken your dog to your regular veterinarian? What options did he give? My dog is getting old, and now she’s turning into a gas monster! I don’t think her digestive system is working as well as it used to.

A few ideas-
Pre and pro biotic supplements can help.

A visit to an alternative veterinarian might help. Alternative veterinarians often use methods that regular veterinarians don’t.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Another vote for bloodwork at the vet. My old gal shows signs of kidney issues so now she gets prescription dog food.

The older the animal, the more they should be checked for problems. Mine are 12 and 14 and rarely toot.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Find a way to get some tums in him.

JLoon's avatar

Oh sure…

Blame it on the dog ;-)

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