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JLeslie's avatar

Do the hosts, producers, and viewers of Fox News know where Trump went to school?

Asked by JLeslie (65935points) April 2nd, 2023 from iPhone

My husband was watching some clip of a Fox News host angry about someone (not present on the show) who verbally went after Trump. I don’t know if the person had called Trump a liar, criminal, no idea, but this Fox News person wasn’t having it. He babbled on about how he doesn’t Trust people with an Ivy League education. The higher the education the more his trust goes down or the less he values that person’s opinion. He criticized Ivy League more than once.

Anyone else see what’s wrong with what this guy was saying?

Reminds me of people saying Bush was a regular guy you could have a beer with like he grew up middle class in the sticks.

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27 Answers

seawulf575's avatar

Got a clip on this one?

Forever_Free's avatar

I wouldn’t believe a word that came out his mouth. Check the transcripts.

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 I can try to look back in my husband’s history. Maybe they just don’t know what schools are Ivy? It would not surprise me at all if the average Trumper can only name two or three Ivy League schools. Actually, I bet that’s true for a large portion of Americans.

When I google all sorts of stuff comes up about DeSantis saying he had to fight back against the liberal woke crowd in school and other Fox News interviews about the Ivy’s being too liberal. Realize DeSantis not only stayed at an Ivy for undergrad (he could have transferred) but also then went to another Ivy for graduate school. It seems to me he worked out an explanation that plays well to the Fox News crowd. It’s like answering a question in an interview to make something sound ok. Did Trump even do that? I remember him bragging about his education and his kids’ education.

Trump’s kids went to Ivy, or at least some of them did, if not all. On legacy I’m guessing.

President Bush went to private high school in the northeast and Ivy League later for undergrad and grad. His daughter Barbara went to Yale and Harvard.

zenvelo's avatar

Trump technically went to an Ivy, because he went to the Wharton real estate school. Wharton is part of Penn, which is an Ivy.

JLeslie's avatar

@zenvelo I think Trump got a BS in Economics. Staying in school was a good way to not get drafted.

jca2's avatar

What’s amazing to me is he doesn’t speak like he is Ivy League. He speaks like he’s community college.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 I think he transferred to Wharton. Maybe two years wasn’t enough to change his dialect. He probably hung out with a lot of New Yorkers.

Trump’s accent isn’t as extreme as some. Lol. The way he talks is kind of lower-middle class NY though. He can probably turn the dialect on and off.

Acrylic's avatar

Wouldn’t he have went like 50 years ago or so? Seems beyond irrelevant now, where he may or may not have went to school, I’ve League being equally as irrelevant. There are plenty of non-Ivy League schools that are just as good, if not better.

JLeslie's avatar

@Acrylic His children aren’t 50 years ago. Even the young one, Tiffany, went to Penn.

Acrylic's avatar

@JLeslie Thought this was about Trump’s college days. A pr B, not sure why that’s relevant now. Maybe it’s time for a president who never went to college. Most Americans don’t go, most are fine.

jca2's avatar

@jleslie: I’m not referring to his accent. I’m referring to that he talks like an idiot. Not suave, not smoothe, not particularly well spoken.

Dig_Dug's avatar

I don’t think because you went to an Ivy you are suddenly better than someone that hasn’t. I’ve seen Ivy’s that all they know is that one subject and not much else. But Joe handyman can do all sorts of jobs that Mr. Ivy has to have others do.

Zaku's avatar

How often did he go to class, and how often did he pay attention?

JLeslie's avatar

@Acrylic The Q is about Fox News saying they think less of people who went to Ivy League, and they certainly mean people who have graduated recently, because I see them talk about it, but in general I think they mean anything northeast. That might be the real code, yankees, just thinking about it now.

It doesn’t matter than a lot of people don’t go to college, what matters is being qualified for a job, Neurosurgeons need some education on the brain, they can’t just do the job well because they read about it. Being president is complicated and takes a lot of knowledge about a lot of things. Could someone do it without a degree? Maybe. Maybe a very smart person who has a lot of good people around them, who is very well read, and well traveled, but having a degree helps! It is not something to look down on.

This is not a matter of respecting people without degrees. I respect a plumber just like I respect a CEO. The point is the CEO might not be a good plumber and the plumber might not be able to do the job of the CEO.

I don’t think everyone needs a college degree, I actually don’t like the message that everyone needs a college degree, because I feel it propagates a message that people without a college degree are somehow less than, and I hate that message. In my experience it is not people with a college degree who look down on people without, it is the people without who wish they had a degree or feel inadequate around people with degrees. I don’t want that to be the case. My paternal grandfather never finished school (I have no idea his education level, but he was a young teenager when he came to the US) and was poor his whole life, and I am very proud of what he accomplished. He worked in a factory his whole adult life. My husband’s father never finished elementary school, and his mom I think made it through 6th or 8th grade. It does not matter. None of them could be president though.

Getting a university education does broaden a person’s view. People who have never been to college don’t know the difference between not having the college experience and having it. They can imagine it, but they have not experienced it. That is why it is easy to tell people without a higher education anything about what it is like, and the Republicans take advantage of that. Getting an Ivy education tends to help with networking more than anything. That wasn’t the case for my dad at the PhD level, he wound up finding his own way teaching and then working for the government, but generally that is the advantage.

RayaHope's avatar

I hope to find out when I go to college this fall. (fingers crossed)

Acrylic's avatar

@JLeslie OK, thanks for clarifying. I’m just a high school dropout, top of my class truck driving school graduate, and part-time politician. College degrees never impressed me, no matter the school. I wonder how the Harvard Law graduate cum laude guy would do at truck driving school.

JLeslie's avatar

@Acrylic It’s not like getting a degree is the end all be all. I’m not sure I did explain it well. Plenty of people don’t have degrees and are brilliant and have an incredible breadth of knowledge. Plenty of people went to college and are still idiots. There are no black and white rules about it, it’s just generalizations. I don’t assume anything about anyone based on their education or lack thereof.

As we found out on another Q, plenty of people cannot back up a trailer. :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well….the Obamas had Ivy League educations.

Trump is just stupid. No education can change that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes. They know where Trump.went to school. They just have to Google it.

JLeslie's avatar

@Dutchess_III I don’t think most Trumpers are googling that, and I don’t think most of them know Penn is an Ivy League school. I think a lot of people across America don’t know it’s an Ivy League school. It’s not talked about like Harvard and Yale. It sounds like a state school name rather than a private school.

jca2's avatar

Honestly, I admit I didn’t know Penn was an Ivy League school until yesterday when I googled it.

JLeslie's avatar

^^I knew fairly young because my dad got a degree there, but it’s perfectly understandable that people don’t know. Probably, a lot of business majors know, because the Wharton school is so well renowned, but people with other focuses I could see how they wouldn’t be aware, and especially people who never went to college or people who don’t live on the east coast.

NoMore's avatar

Trump aside, the the sycophants at Fox News (?) can’t admit their orange god can do any wrong. And it should come as no surprise that they don’t like educated people, because only dumb fucks will vote for the stupid bastard. The more dumbed down the base better.

Dig_Dug's avatar

@NoMore I get a slight feeling you may be a little bit, just a tiny bit displeased with the man?

NoMore's avatar

Just a bit lol @Dig_Dug Not like I feel that he’s full of shit as a holiday turkey or anything

Dig_Dug's avatar

@NoMore I’m NOT going over to your place for Thanksgiving! LOL!

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