Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Why do people buy crystals?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29382points) April 4th, 2023 from iPhone

Just passed by a small shop selling crystals and wondering if aside from decorative purposes, people have other uses? Thanks.

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14 Answers

jca2's avatar

Some people believe the crystals have certain properties to help with certain things (giving strength, helping with ailments, etc.). This is not a new phenomenon. These beliefs go way back in history. Whether or not the crystals actually help may be a matter of debate, but possessing the crystals may help even if the person who possesses them believes it’s a help.

snowberry's avatar

When properly cleaned, cut, polished and mounted, they are really beautiful. I’m not into crystal jewelry, and I certainly don’t need more stuff to dust, but this is amazing!

chyna's avatar

They are thought to have healing powers, too.

ragingloli's avatar

Because crystals have straight lines and sharp edges, they seem very different from the rest of the natural world.
They are thus seen seemingly artificial, and since humans do not make them, some supernatural force is concluded to be at work.
With crystals now being believed to be supernatural in nature, they are ascribed mystic powers.
It is all nonsense, of course.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I don’t buy them but I have a few from friends. Will a rose quartz help me be more empathetic and kind? Idk.
Does the full moon recharge them or make moonwater that refreshes you? Idk.

In the end, they’re interesting whether you ‘believe’ or not.

RocketGuy's avatar

The only crystals I buy regularly are salt and sugar.

rebbel's avatar

In a sense, one could say that the “working” of crystals can be seen as similar to superstition.
Or placebo maybe even.
I have a friend who’s very much in to crystals, and she’s a very good, sweet, kind person.
I’d rather have a crystal collector as a friend than a gun enthusiast.

gondwanalon's avatar

They’re unique and beautiful.

RayaHope's avatar

@rebbel GA “I’d rather have a crystal collector as a friend than a gun enthusiast.”

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@RayaHope I would rather have a crystal collector as an enemy than rather a gun enthusiast. : )

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Because geology is cool

RocketGuy's avatar

Speaking of geology – the “quartz” countertops in my bathrooms are actually made of quartz crystals of various colors held together by polyester resin. Since it’s more quartz than polyester, it is fairly hard and scratch-resistant.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have the same countertops @RocketGuy.

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