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LuckyGuy's avatar

Are you getting your viewing spot and equipment ready for the April 8, 2024 solar eclipse?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43890points) April 7th, 2023

The next solar eclipse across the US will be April 8, 2024. Here is the track from NASA: Eclipse Path. These next 4 days in 2023 will be good practice for you to figure out where you want to stand and what equipment to take with you.

The center line of totality passes within a mile from my house! Totality!!! Our little town is working on getting extra food and fuels delivered in case there are more people than it can normally handle. I am adding more grass seed to the lawn and paving a few areas so it won’t be too muddy.

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27 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

Plans are in the offing. Hoping to rent a camper and drive north for a couple of days. I still have friends in Burlington, VT, but I’m pretty sure their houses will be filled up, so alternatives need to be considered.

Or maybe I’ll just park in your driveway, @LuckyGuy! I’ll bring some food and wine!!!

RayaHope's avatar

Darn, it’s too far from us :(

kevbo1's avatar

I took my uncle across the country to see the 2016 one. We went to Kentucky for the longest totality. It was really cool.

Two suggestions: 1. get an unwrinkled white sheet and lay it out. Right before totality, you’ll see undulating shadows (like snakes) on the sheet. 2. If you are with a crowd, consider doing an audio recording (unless you’re confident that your video will do it justice). The crowd sound is a spectacle too.

I have relatives in Austin, so I might go there.

LadyMarissa's avatar

We’re supposed to have a heavy cloud cover with downpour ALL day. Plus it’s a really long distance from here, so it’s probably going to be a non-event here!!! We had an up close & personal with the last one & we were assured that would be the last one we would see in our lifetime, so I took full advantage of the opportunity to be fully there & aware. Although I enjoyed it, I have NO plans to travel a long distance in order to see it again.

Caravanfan's avatar

Yep. Have my place already.

Caravanfan's avatar

And for those of you who are hesitant about travelling I strongly advise you to do so to somewhere in the middle ot totality. It is a life changing experience

canidmajor's avatar

@LadyMarissa this is happening next year, in 2024. You still have time to make plans.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@canidmajor You are welcome! We’re right near the center of totality.
I have enough power and water hook ups for 6 campers. I had to slip my buddies at NASA $100 to arrange that! :-)
I’m pretty certain my house will be filled with my kids and grandkids.

@Caravanfan Yes indeed! Totality is magical! Since we are at the center there should be very little light.
By the way, The weather today is perfect. 38F and Crystal clear. The ground is a little muddy though since we had a couple of days of rain but my driveway and patio is dry. I’m working on improving the grass and lawn situation.

Jons_Blond's avatar

No. The closest for me is southern Illinois or southern Indiana. I hate both of those areas. I’m much more interested in seeing the northern lights here in Wisconsin.

filmfann's avatar

My wife’s hometown is in the path. I would love to see it, but really don’t want to be around those MAGA idiots.

Caravanfan's avatar

@filmfann May I encourage you to suck it up and go? It’s only for a day and you don’t have to talk to them if you don’t wnat to. You won’t get another chance.

Forever_Free's avatar

I will be in Burlington Vermont for observation and last hurrah on ski season.

filmfann's avatar

@Caravanfan A total eclipse will appear where I live in 20 years. I just have to live, and live here, that long.

LuckyGuy's avatar

It is 2:45 pm on the East coast now. The sun is at the spot where the eclipse will begin. Start picking your spot so you are ready for next year!

If I stand at the corner of the patio, the sun is directly over my barn with the new, white anodized roof.

LuckyGuy's avatar

3:20 PM: I found another great spot where Totality will be. From my front lawn Totality will be over the peak of my house with the house number visible. I will need to use a strobe of sufficient strength to light up my house and not overpower the view of the eclipse.
This will be fun!

zenvelo's avatar

I thought we were all going to your place @LuckyGuy !

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’d better start making more space!

MrGrimm888's avatar

It will only be a partial eclipse in my area.
I’ll have a decent view of another one in October this year, I think…

Caravanfan's avatar

@MrGrimm888 The one in October is an annular eclipse. You won’t be able to view without special glasses. A partial view is fine, but it’s nothing like a total solar eclipse which, I kid you not, is a life changing experience.

Dig_Dug's avatar

Maybe by next year I can be able to be in the right area to see it. That would be cool to see. How long do they last?

Jons_Blond's avatar

If the plan is to go to @LuckyGuy ‘s I’m in!

Caravanfan's avatar

@Dig_Dug a few minutes.

Caravanfan's avatar

@Dig_Dug and all
Here is a map of the solar eclipse. There are much higher res maps available but this just is an overview. You want to be somewhere on the blue line

LuckyGuy's avatar

At my house, a little northwest of Rochester, near Lake Ontario:
Partial will begin at about 2:05pm.
Totality starts at 3:19pm and will last for 3 minutes 35 seconds. 3½ minutes of magic!
Partial will end at 4:33pm.

We have perfect weather again today. Clear and cool 40F, 4C

LuckyGuy's avatar

Check out the weather in Rochester NY! Another perfect day!

@Caravanfan Where did you decide to go? You can PM if you want to keep it private.

Caravanfan's avatar

@LuckyGuy It’s fine. We got a place in Fredrickburg Texas.

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