Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Have you ever given money to a political party?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23571points) April 8th, 2023

Do you think it made a difference, or was it just a gesture?
Personally I wouldn’t give two cents to any political party Canadian, or American.

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25 Answers

Entropy's avatar

Yes. Once, long ago, I donated to the Libertarians one year. I never did it again because I got very pissed off when I discovered that doing so instantly put me on the mailing list of every moderately libertarian leaning anything. All I wanted to do was support a third party a little. I didn’t want my mailbox jam-packed with people begging for cash.

It was particularly irritating that the supposedly privacy focused party so giddily sold my contact info.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I however volunteered setting up chairs and making coffee for debates.

canidmajor's avatar

Yes, if your term “political party” includes specific candidates whose ideologies align with my own and are aligned with a specific party.

canidmajor's avatar

And yes, I thinks it makes a difference.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Good God no. Don’t want to encourage them…

filmfann's avatar

Yes. Years ago I worked for John Anderson’s Presidential Campaign.

NoMore's avatar

Yes a few times, to the Dems only. But now they hound me for donations constantly.

gorillapaws's avatar

Yes. Now I only give to specific candidates. I think it’s essential. The alternative is to let lobbyists buy our politicians instead, and that gets us a corrupt Democratic Party that results in Donald Trump (or worse).

seawulf575's avatar

Never to a party, but a couple times to candidates.

LadyMarissa's avatar

NO…never have…NEVER will!!! I learned about 54 years ago how easily a politician will look you in the eyes & tell you exactly what they think YOU want to hear. You don’t like chocolate, they are closing down any chocolate company in your area. You love chocolate, they are bringing in “x” number of new companies to not only make that chocolate for you but can also offer you or your child a job. I don’t care which side of the aisle it is, they WILL LIE!!!

Acrylic's avatar

Nope, and never will. Ever.

Dig_Dug's avatar

Not to a political party but I did fly a Supreme Court Justice in my private jet to a few luxury vacation destinations a couple times. Hope that didn’t sway his opinion on any topics at the time…(wink) jk

NoMore's avatar

Politics must be the most lucrative job on earth. Sit on your butt in a fancy leather chair all day, listen to hot air, and draw a fat check. And have all of your medical issues paid for by the taxpayers. And that applies to both parties.

Dig_Dug's avatar

^^ We should have run for some political office @NoMore If MTG and Lauren Boebert can get into congress anyone can! I think a sack of potatoes could become a congressman.

NoMore's avatar

I agree @Dig_Dug Our platform: A butt in every seat, a lie in every mouth. ; )

gondwanalon's avatar

I use to. They are never satisfied. They keep sending requests for more money. Then individual candidates keep sending donation requests. They even would called me at work and had the gall to ask me for my credit card information. Unbelievable!

Acrylic's avatar

The government taxes way too much as it is, so I surely won’t volunteer to give them any more of my money.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I’m still waiting for a politician I agree with enough to support like that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

$10 to the Dems when Barack was up for his second term.

JLoon's avatar

No – never.

But I gave to two political candidates once, shortly after I was old enough to vote.

I would have been better off buying Jamiacan lottery tickets.

Zaku's avatar

The last time I gave money to a politician was to the 2016 Bernie Sanders campaign.

Then the Democratic Party failed to recognize his popularity and superiority to Clinton, and stole that money for their coffers.

RayaHope's avatar

I don’t think I’m old enough to do that. Or does that matter? Maybe my mom does.

Strauss's avatar

I was politically active in my teens and twenties, and later in my 50’s and 60’s. Most of my contributions were volunteer time, but I think I probably have made a few small donations of $10—$20.

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