Meta Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What would you like to be able to use your Lurve on?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25143points) April 9th, 2023

Like Fluther powers?

For example:

To edit your question after the time limit 25 Lurve?

What awesome powers would you like to be able to spend Lurve on?

Humor and real answers welcome.

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17 Answers

Acrylic's avatar

Speedway points.

smudges's avatar

25 lurve to someone you might have offended.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Buy one get one free Dunkin’ coffees for 35 lurve.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Thanks @all keep them coming.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

I’d like to redeem my Lurve for prizes, much like skee-ball tickets. Walk up to the counter and choose a new comb, a pair of big, fuzzy dice to hang from a rear-view mirror, or maybe that circa-1980 boombox hiding in the corner.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@smudges Agreed. Or someone having a tough day, etc..

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I wish we could buy awards for great answers and spectacular questions. It’s one of the good things on Reddit dot com.

zenvelo's avatar

I would turn in 15,000 right now for a t-shirt.

smudges's avatar

^^ yeah, or a mug…something with fluther!

MrGrimm888's avatar

It would be really sweet if everyone had their own song that played when you give them a GA. Something quick, like a ring tone…

Yeah. Tee-shirts would be nice…

rebbel's avatar

1 lurve for a kiss.
3 for a hug.
5 for a cuddle.
10 for a smile.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

^^^ My sweet @rebbel, you always get a smile from me, and you don’t need to redeem any Lurve for the rest of your list; it’s all available for free!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Rebbel’s list surprised me. I think it reveals a very interesting cultural view.

My list would be
1 lurve for a smile
3 for a hug
5 for a kiss
10 for a cuddle

What would your list be?

MrGrimm888's avatar

Fluther prostitution?

“WOW!...That escalated quickly.”
Ron Burgundy…

snowberry's avatar

Electric bill or groceries.

Zaku's avatar

Various real-life magic powers.

Ability to find out something about Fluther gossip – mainly, what happened to users who are no longer on the site, with no information available and not being allowed to ask, etc.

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