Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What makes you feel good about the federal taxes and state taxes that you pay?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29300points) April 10th, 2023 from iPhone

And if you are not in the US, just taxes in general. Thanks.

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6 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

First responders

LadyMarissa's avatar

It means that I have income that many aren’t fortunate enough to have right now!!!

Forever_Free's avatar

Being able to pay my share to the State and Government in which I have chosen to live.
The Public Infrastructure (Roads, Bridges, Highways)
Federal and State Emergency agency and funds when local disasters occur
A State and National Park System
Police and Firefighters
Public Schools (debatable at times)

Acrylic's avatar

Not much. I’d feel a lot better and far less poor if I had to pay, say, 75% less. Libraries (funded by property taxes) and parks are good, but I’d give them up if I were able to keep more of my own money and buy books and go to private-run parks for a nominal entry fee.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I want to add Social Services

RocketGuy's avatar

Having partaken in Social Services when we needed it, I am glad to fund them so that other people in need can get it too.

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