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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Do couples figure skaters feel uncomfortable lifting eachother? (Really NSFW)

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) April 10th, 2023

I was wondering when he lifts her by the crotch? Is it thought of?

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28 Answers

MrGrimm888's avatar

“Thought of?” I would guarantee the male is at least thinking “glad my hand’s not cold anymore.”..~

smudges's avatar

I’m sure when they were first learning how to do those feats the thoughts entered in, but I doubt they do after performing/competing regularly.

gorillapaws's avatar

I’m certainly not an expert in this department, but I can’t ever recall seeing a guy groping a woman’s crotch in figure skating. The woman usually has her hand there and he’s grabbing her hand. For example this or this (SFW). I could be wrong though and perhaps it’s possible there are moves where this does happen intentionally? I suspect that if it does happen, it’s a mistake with timing or being done to catch the partner to prevent a fall in an emergency and otherwise not a normal thing.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@gorillapaws Ok thanks for the pictures. I totally misunderstood.

Forever_Free's avatar

I am unsure what you mean by “uncomfortable”. They are athletes. There is contact that occurs in many sports. Believe me, they are not thinking of anything but their goals.
Fans and observers may think differently.

smudges's avatar

Thanks also to @gorillapaws. I completely forgot about her hand being there, too.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Id be more concerned about my partner standing on my thigh during the lift. That looks painful.

RocketGuy's avatar

Seems the support is against the hip bone. That would be far from sensitive areas.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Sorry folks. The partner. If you’re a dude. And you are sexually attracted to females. You’ve thought about it… Certainly most of those men don’t think about it as appropriate. But it takes deliberate thought control, and maybe dick tape, to be professional about it.
Can’t people just admit to being human? Being proper is one thing. Being disingenuous, is another…

My best female friend and I have joked about sex a lot. We’ve even crossed some lines, when we were younger. We’re still great friends. I still wouldn’t ever act on my physical temptations. But. We both are aware of our genders. And we love each other. Like brother/sister…

Or fuck-cousins…;)~

Forever_Free's avatar

Sorry @MrGrimm888 but I respectfully disagree. Talking about it, putting your hands on another person with their consent for this does not lead to a need for “maybe dick tape”. I also do not assume that people are simple being “disingenuous”.

I too have had many very open conversations with females about sex, intimacy, and even experienced Tantra Yoga with female friend and my mind never crossed that line. It doesn’t take “deliberate control”. It’s being respectful to them, their spirit, their body and yourself.

smudges's avatar

^^ Absolutely correct, not every man thinks with his little head. If they did, I’d choose ladies or be celibate.

Forever_Free's avatar

“Women will only be truly sexually liberated when we arrive at a place where we can see ourselves as having sexual value and agency irrespective of whether or not we are the objects of male desire,” Bell Hooks.

The same can be said of all genders and all people.

MrGrimm888's avatar

As I suspected…

I’m just stating fact. “Thinking” about something is not the same as having a one track mind. Everyone contributing to this thread is “thinking” about it… What’s wrong with discussing primal thought.

This thread has absolutely nothing to do with the subjugation of women.

Any more than me saying that the men are thought of as simple beasts, only good for their strength to hold the all mighty female up high, where they should be.

Of you want to talk about women being viewed as objects. You sure picked the wrong sport to pull that shit on. BOTH dancers/skaters are viewed as objects. They also both dress in very tight and revealing clothes. I’ve watched Olympics before, where judges want to see the couples show chemistry (yes, as if they are intimate.)

Male/female Duets are also judged by observed chemistry. Just watch American idol. They just finished the Duet portion of elimination.

Or. Take Dancing With the Stars. Same thing.

The holier-than-thou stance is absolutely disingenuous… And beneath those on this thread frankly…

Let’s talk about another sport. ProWrestling. Guys lift other guys by their crotch on their matches. And they aren’t thinking about attraction in that instance. They’re thinking about getting it over quickly, because they’re touching another guy’s crotch. I know. I’ve worked as HOS for many large shows. And even partied with them after shows. It’s not my sport. I actually dislike it. But they are an interesting people to be around.

Bottom line is that people who perform together are definitely “thinking” about the fact they are different genders. It’s the same as any job, or circumstance where people spend time with each other.

And by the way, many/most females use their gender as a means to achieve their goals. From waitresses to Madonna.

Am I denying that misogyny exists. No.
Am I saying women have never been subjugated, and oppressed. No.

@RedDeerGuy1 . Did you start this thread, because you are a misogynistic, oppressor of women who views them as objects?

Oh. And @Forever_Free
Made you say “dick tape!”~Na nanny boo boo…~

smudges's avatar

^^ Bottom line is that people who perform together are definitely “thinking” about the fact they are different genders. It’s the same as any job, or circumstance where people spend time with each other.

Well of course! When I worked in a doctor’s office I was aware that I had some male coworkers. But having that knowledge was not the same as being turned on when I was around them simply because they were male, which is what you’re saying. And having the knowledge that my hand (as a male) is being clasped by a female in an area that is close to her mound is not even close to needing to use ‘dick tape’ to hold down your erection.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@MrGrimm888 No. Just curious.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’m sure I’ll regret this. But. I have to ask. @smudges . You were never once turned on by a coworker, or stranger on the street? Really?...
The dick tape thing was just a joke anyways. To my knowledge, there’s no such thing. (Although that would be funny to me.)

@RedDeerGuy1 . Of course big guy. Everyone knew that. Just like everyone knows why you really had that curiosity. Because you’re human. That’s my point. You don’t have to be a misogynistic pervert, to “think” about that…

Forever_Free's avatar

Just because one person thinks this way does not mean that everyone does. Shining a light on it like it is the norm to associate this kind of contact with a sexual intimate feeling is the difference here.
@MrGrimm888 How do you know that football players, wrestler etc don’t ever think these things when you say “Guys lift other guys by their crotch on their matches. And they aren’t thinking about attraction in that instance. They’re thinking about getting it over quickly, because they’re touching another guy’s crotch.” How is this any different? Is it because they are both males as opposed to the configuration in the OP’s question? The same principle applies here.
I also disagree with your statement “Bottom line is that people who perform together are definitely “thinking” about the fact they are different genders”. Seriously? I am a musician and perform with other people. My only thought is how amazing they may sound. I also work in Corporate America. I work/perform a job function with others. I am not judging their gender or sexuality for one second.

smudges's avatar

@MrGrimm888 You were never once turned on by a coworker, or stranger on the street? Really?...

Turned on by? Hell no! It takes a lot more than looking at a person for me to become ‘turned on’, if we’re using the same definition of turned on. I’m using it as meaning sexually aroused, which I think most people think of it as meaning. Attracted to? which could lead to becoming turned on given the right circumstances and a reciprocated interest Yes, I’ve been attracted to people I’ve worked with.

As far as people on the street, strangers…I may appreciate their looks or even think they’re sexy or hot, but no, not turned on by or really, even attracted to. I have to know someone at least a little to be attracted to them.

Maybe we’re not truly understanding one another’s language usage, or maybe not everyone is like you, which is what you’re claiming.

Stewie (a precocious baby) on Family Guy uses a ‘dot bandaid’ as dick tape. Now that’s funny! O_o

MrGrimm888's avatar

@smudges . I understand and am very comfortable that “not everyone is like me.”
However. Females in my life that I assumed thought as you and @Forever_Free do, don’t. Life constantly surprises. When I have been in close quarters, or at gatherings, or bars, I have been heavily hit on by some very “professional/high character” females. That are overly aggressive.
I’ve been groped/sexually assaulted by (to me,) a large amount of females. About nine years ago, my old (current then) boss (a doctor,) and very proper woman who actually seemed to hate my style and unique personality, grabbed/fondled my balls and butthole from behind AT HER WEDDING, THAT NIGHT. She didn’t let go. And I didn’t want to put hands on her, but I talked her into releasing me. Long story.
Wasn’t the first, or last time a female has done something similar. There’s a point to this.

A thousand apologies.
I have indeed been speaking of attraction being too close to arousal I suppose. In my ignorance, I feel there is no real difference. As one can lead to the other, without conscious thought.
In my book/mind attraction means that our monkey brain/deep subconscious sees another as a good candidate for a mate. Being in close (really close) proximity to someone that someone is attracted to, can bring about unintended consequences. There is of course a difference in the things that occur. I might be attracted to a girl, and that’s all. Dancing with that girl, things may eventually start to happen. Involuntary things. Things I’m fairly certain some girls are intentionally trying to make happen in some circumstances. Things that are unintended otherwise.

@Forever_Free . I’ll just take blame for now, for my lack of transparency in my opinions. It’s difficult, these days, to appropriately talk about sexual matters. At any rate. If I’m not mistaken, you may be taking this subject too seriously. Or me. Not seriously enough.

I brought up my experience with females, because there is an absolutely false female driven narrative that only males see the world through a spectrum including sexual attraction as a way they think and navigate their lives. That is an indefensible, and frankly offensive cop out, victim mentality mindset. If that’s a way anyone thinks about the genders.
As far as my comments about football, I played it, in pads and/or parks since I was seven years old. I know a shit ton of guys who do.
As far as wrestling. Pro, or otherwise. Men “think” about the sexually involved in touching another guy’s junk. Typically. It grosses us out. But. We are aware of it. Hence. It is “thought about. If you’re inferring that some males “think” about attraction whilst in close proximity. I can only speak for myself, and the shared opinions of the wrestlers I have known. I have worked with a lot if them. Some are world famous. I just never heard of them, because I don’t follow the sport. But. As I mentioned, I’ve hung out with a great deal of them. Men and women. Most with years/decades of experience in the sport.
Musicians. Not only do I play lead guitar (have for decades,) though only several occasions with a band. Usually just jamming with people.
I’ve also hung out with a large amount of famous/not so famous musicians, roadies, wives of band members etc. Surprise! It’s not uncommon for them to have sexual interaction, relationships, or even marry one another.
Things that probably originated with, “thinking about it.”

I really don’t want to turn a relatively innocent thread, as RDG mentioned was it’s intention, into a Karen moment…
With all due respect and fondness to both @smudges , @Forever_Free , and RDG…

Peace and love.

Disclaimer. Yes. There are many variables in sexuality that I don’t go into. No offense intended. I am a heterosexual male. I love all that breathes…

smudges's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Wow, I’ve only seen that kind of woman in movies or tv shows. I assumed they exist, but have never known one myself – that I know of anyway. I think that, based on your lifestyle no negativity intended and your far and wide travels, that we’ve lived very different lives and had very different experiences. And that may be at the root of why we’ve disagreed so much on this topic. I’m very open-minded, and have had experiences that would shock most of my friends and people who know me. But that was a lifetime ago. Perhaps I’ve forgotten what it’s like to be around the opposite sex in social settings. gosh, just thought of that, makes me kinda sad At any rate, I stand by my original point, but understand your’s better due to your explanations.

To quote a very interesting person who enjoys debating, “Peace and love”.

Forever_Free's avatar

@smudges They are out there. I have had similar experiences that @MrGrimm888 speaks of that lines are crossed. Oxytocin is released during sports performance and even moreso with music.
I know Blurred Lines occur especially in social situations. One recent experience for me was a few weeks ago listening to a Blues Band play at a small local club. I was there enjoying the sounds and energy and was asked to dance by a woman. I enjoy dance, the release and expression of it, and movement with the music. It was wonderful. As the song moved she proceeded to straddle my leg and grind my thigh at one point and then another. A bit more sexual in nature than the though of the OP, but a point on what does go on. Did her dance expression cross a personal line with a complete stranger? Yes. Did I ponder if she doing that for her benefit, my benefit or her dates benefit. Nope. I had no intent and I didn’t think she had any intent. She did pass me as she was leaving with her date and thanked me for the dance. Case closed. But an example of what does go on as @MrGrimm888 noted.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@smudges . You get me.

@Forever_Free . I hope we’ve cleared the air.

I often assume that most people think similarly to myself, but would rarely admit it. In my early years, I definitely thought I must be just SO different, and I am, BUT as I mentioned life constantly surprises me.

And yes indeed.

Peace and love ;)

Forever_Free's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I love that we are all SO different. We good.

Peace and Love, Peace and love!

smudges's avatar

<<sniff>> I miss the good parts of the 60’s. 8)

MrGrimm888's avatar

^You wouldn’t know it to look at me, but I’m a huge John Lennon fan. As a student of music, I can’t not be.
That’s why I always say “Peace n love.” I mean it too. It’s not sarcastic.
That’s a Mr. Grimm catch phrase origin story…

It’s just the best thing I could ever think to genuinely say to someone…

Peace and Love. Fluther.

Forever_Free's avatar

All we are saying, Is give Peace a chance.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Timeless… Just as relevant as ever…

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