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chyna's avatar

What will or should happen to the person that leaked classified information?

Asked by chyna (51766points) April 13th, 2023 from iPhone

Will they be brought up on charges of treason or something else?

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25 Answers

smudges's avatar

I don’t know what will happen, but they should be charged with treason or something similar. Wow…plans to kill Putin! Not a problem for me. the killing, not the leaking

zenvelo's avatar

If it were up to me, I would sentence all these right wing traitors to exile. Like Hale’s Philip Nolan, sentenced to spend the rest of his days at sea without so much as a word of news about the United States.

kritiper's avatar

Shoot him!

SnipSnip's avatar

We could not possibly know that without knowing if he’s a Trump supporter or not, could we?

canidmajor's avatar

@SnipSnip The use of the word “should” in the question invites speculation.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Here is an article from The Guardian with information about the leaker. He is indeed a racist, bigoted gun nut.

chyna's avatar

I didn’t say a thing about being a trump supporter @SnipSnip. I have no idea if it’s a man, woman, child, or other either.

janbb's avatar

They found him.

chyna's avatar

Looking at @Hawaii_Jakes link, he is a 21 year old guardsman. Wonder how he had access to classified documents?

filmfann's avatar

I don’t play on this shit.
Lock him up!

filmfann's avatar

@smudges I can’t find anything about plans to kill Putin. Can you post a link?

Kropotkin's avatar

I think nothing should happen. He seems like a grossly misguided dick, but that’s a separate issue.

I just wish there wasn’t already so much suppression of the leaks, because I’d like to know everything, and I’ve only read scant and limited information in the media.

I don’t think states should hold secrets from citizens at all. If they were more transparent, they’d be more accountable, and maybe wouldn’t get up to the sordid and despicable shit that they regularly do—the US and Russia being regular offenders.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

As of 3 PM EDT they have arrested him. Now his superior officers will be reviewed for giving him access.

RocketGuy's avatar

There are laws and punishments for leaking classified info. Let him have it! His leaks affected national security and well-being of people in the US and US-friendly nations.

smudges's avatar

You know, @filmfann, I only glanced at about one sentence saying that about killing Putin, and I didn’t pursue it because I was reading headlines at the time and thought I’d come back to it, but then didn’t. I can’t find it now, but will look through my history and let you guys know if I find it. But I did just now find this, and it might be similar to what I glanced at earlier. I’m guessing that if no one else here has seen it, then my mind kind of filled in the blanks like minds will do. Sorry about that.

Leaked Documents Show U.S. Pondered Contingency Plans In The Event Putin Or Zelensky Were Killed

smudges's avatar

ooops, it wouldn’t show up in history because I never clicked it.

gorillapaws's avatar

Is keel hauling still an option? Does the Air Force lash people to the exterior of fighter planes and do maneuvers?

In all seriousness, he should have a fair trial and face whatever consequences befall him. If somehow he was leaking at the behest of Russia, then I would expect that to be much more serious (up to treason) than if he was just trying to impress his online video game pals, but even that would have very stiff penalties.

jca2's avatar

Marjorie Taylor Greene is defending him. I haven’t yet read the article:

chyna's avatar

^Some news people are saying that if this 21 year old is charged with breaking the law with stealing classified documents, it will reflect on how trump will be treated for taking classified documents. Supposedly, this is why Marj is taking up for the guardsman.

mazingerz88's avatar

I think the people who vetted and hired this young man should be fired. Whoever approved the process which allows giving this idiot access to classified info should also be fired.

RocketGuy's avatar

He was young enough to not have any red flags – no debt, no arrests, no DUI, no foreign contacts, no foreign travel. There is prob no test to check his gaming activity for tendency to brag, which seems to be what he was doing.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^It might be helpful if before anyone this young get clearance to handle classified info, a one week stay in jail / solitary confinement is required.

smudges's avatar

^^ LOL Right…let’s just punish everyone at least once because, you know, they might commit a crime.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t know many details. Was he sharing the info only with friends or to actual foreign governments? Either way it’s obviously a problem and wrong.

I don’t know what his punishment should be. I do think it’s a form of treason and very serious. I’m not at the point of life in prison or death penalty, but probably some jail time yeah, and psychological help. What sucks is jail will likely solidify his views rather than any chance of reforming him.

I’m assuming he’s just a low self esteem idiot and not actually wanting to sabotage the US, but I might be wrong. A trial would help us know. Maybe make him do community service with a Jewish organization if the Jewish organization will have him, and make staying away from his gang friends a requirement to stay out of jail. It won’t work, he would need to be moved to a different state for that to work.

I wish his whole hateful group of friends could be either deprogrammed or punished.

Strauss's avatar

Whatever the penalty, the accused leaker cannot plead ignorance.The methods and practices may have changed with the technology, but one of the things covered in basic military training is handling of classified documents, complete with the penalties for failure to secure and/or compromising of classified information.

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