What are your thoughts on the Dominion voting machine case against Fox news?
I don’t care for either Donald Trump or Fox news, but I am trying to keep an open mind.
One factor is that Dominion not only needs to show that Fox knew they were broadcasting untrue claims about vote rigging, but they also need to show that their intention was malicious. It would seem that Fox acted the way it did in order to appeal to its viewers. They can be accused of acting out of greed, but that would seem to be different from acting out of malice.
Something else I wonder about is whether, as a news organization, Fox needs to be particularly cautious about the views expressed on the show. Might there be a due diligence issue?
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20 Answers
Right now, I feel there isn’t much difference between “malice” and “greed.” If I were a juror I might pose a question to the judge.
Fox News needs to do enough due diligence to be internally convinced that what they put out is as accurate as possible. If they are convinced the info is not accurate they should not put it out to the public.
I’m highly suspicious of closed-source voting machines without a paper-trail backup that can be audited. IMO voting machines should be open sourced hardware and software so everyone can have 100% confidence in the outcome of elections. That said, it is my understanding that there is no evidence to support fraud in the 2020 presidential election, certainly not on a massive scale. Fox should be held accountable for knowingly spreading misinformation about Dominion committing fraud.
Of all of the cases out there surrounding Trump, this is the case I care about the most, and I hope Dominion wins big.
From what Sonny Hostin on The View has said, a court previously found that Fox News is not a news organization. I think that is one problem for Dominion’s case, but I don’t think it will help Fox enough, because tabloids like The Enquirer in the US (rag magazine) have been sued and lost for lying and defamation.
From what I understand, Fox is saying they were just reporting on what Trump was saying about the voting, but Fox certainly was not clear about that, they never communicated to the public their own questions about whether the information was true, and that there was really no proof. They showed blatant disregard for the damage they could cause to Dominion, the voters, and the country.
In my opinion lying and misleading the public in the manner that Fox News does every day is criminal and does not fall under freedom of the press or freedom of speech. Freedom of the press is to protect the press when they tell the truth. After what happened in the Alex Jones case, I think Fox will be found guilty of something. I don’t know if it will matter if they lose. There will still be people who believe the vote was bad, who will still think Trump told the truth pr won’t care that Trump lied, because in their mind he is the messiah, or at least they think Trump is the best leader for the country, and Fox makes so much money I don’t know if it will matter that Fox has to pay some sort of huge sum.
@gorillapaws When I lived in Tennessee all of my voting was done on touch screen, and I was wary of not having a paper ballot in hand. From what I understand, if there is an audit of the vote, the Dominion machines do print out ballots. I don’t know if that matters if there is a malfunction, but I just thought I would let you know, you might want to research it if you are interested.
Even if I didn’t know anything about it, I would support Dominion. The Fox lawyers have been caught doing illegal trickery.
I think Fox News has done enough damage to the truth over the years, that it is long overdue to be sued into non-existence for any and all lies it has perpetrated.
So I hope that happens here.
Electronic voting machines in general should not be trusted. Fox news, CNN, MSNBC are all about as credible as Infowars if you asked me.
A pox on Fox. “News” my ass.
There is a world of difference between malice and greed.
Voting machines should have a verification printout so humans can check the digital output.
Why are they bothering with a lawsuit? They should just send in the Jem’Hadar.
“Actual malice” in this legal context means knowing that the claims made were false, or not caring whether they were false or not. It does not mean “wanting to harm”.
If that is the case then Fox would not seem to have much of a defense, given the records that have been found.
In case you missed it, the suit has been settled for $787 million. Link
According to the last line in the link, Fox is facing a similar law suit from Smartmatic voting machine company for $2.7 billion. It should be interesting to see how that case turns out.
Dominion could probably have gotten more if the case went on trial. But call was theirs. 787 million is nothing to Greedy Grinch Rupert. I think Fox Entertainment News Corp. made 13 billion last year alone.
Execs hate losing money though. As of 4/25/23, several Fox liars have been fired so far. Looks like they were financial liabilities.
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