General Question

Jeruba's avatar

If you wear a ring with a mounted gemstone, how do you keep it from swiveling around to the back?

Asked by Jeruba (56231points) April 16th, 2023

I have a lovely ring that I would like to wear more often, but the weight of the stone keeps twisting the ring around so the stone is in the palm of my hand.

Is there any remedy or trick that helps keep the ring in its intended orientation, with the stone on top, facing outward?

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7 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

A friend of mine had that problem with her engagement ring. She cut a small sliver of a cloth style band-aid to mount on the inside bottom of the ring. The added friction seemed to keep it from slipping.

kritiper's avatar

If I had a ring to wear, I would have it on a chain around my neck. It’s a safety thing.

janbb's avatar

A jeweler can put a guard on the back to tighten it.

flutherother's avatar

You can also add sizing balls. These are little balls of metal soldered to the inside of a ring to prevent it spinning around. Pictures

Love_my_doggie's avatar

^^^ I had this done to my engagement ring. Thirty-five years later, the metal balls remain in place, and my ring still doesn’t slip or move.

Jeruba's avatar

Sizing balls! Never heard of them, but that was the trick I needed. Thank you!

I’ve just come back from the jeweler’s with two gemstone rings that have new sizing balls installed. Sure enough, they don’t slide around now. Thanks, @flutherother, thanks, @Love_my_doggie, thanks, @all!

But whoops, now I’m having trouble getting one of them off. What next, enlarge it?

JLeslie's avatar

Soap and water, but close the drain if you take it off near or over the sink or do it over a bowl.

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