Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

In the entire history of humans owning slaves, was there ever a record of some slaves that were given some days off by their owners?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) April 19th, 2023 from iPhone

Out of pure benevolence and not just for practical reasons? Thanks.

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6 Answers

rebbel's avatar

From what I have read it has happened in instances of religious reasons.
But also to keep a kind of social structure they were granted them as to not get ‘unhappy’ slaves who might conspire to rebel.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It’s hard to say that such things never happened.
I know that each slave owner, was different. Some where likely psychopathic, sociopaths, sadistic, and/or worse.
Others. Probably nicer…

I can’t really put myself into a slave owner’s head. The concept is just SO alien, to me.
I’m tempted to think of a relationship between a slave owner and a slave as that of a animal owner and their animal.
Dogs, horses, and other beasts of purpose are admired and rewarded. Loved.
Although it is sickening to think of it that way, that’s all I can come up with.
There were also different kinds of slaves. Some were field slaves. Others were house slaves. Sex slaves. Slaves that took care of children. All were treated differently.
Most slave owners were descendants of, or were themselves European. Historically. Europeans were nationalists, to an extent. They didn’t like each other’s culture. That resentment was surely a factor in how some treated their slaves.
I think many treated their slaves with anger, and hate.
It was a mixed bag for sure. But. I don’t think benevolence was usually a determining factor in how most treated they’re slaves.

zenvelo's avatar

In what became the US, it was not uncommon for religious holidays to be granted to some slaves, also, days of family celebration, such as a marriage or a christening. Some field slaves would have the sabbath off.

In ancient Rome, many slaves were educated and treated like “senior staff”, doing record keeping and overseeing the household, and would have a fair amount of latitude on “their own time”.

SnipSnip's avatar

Yes. Keep reading.

seawulf575's avatar

Apparently in NC it was quite common for slaves to have Sundays off as well as Christmas and/or the 4th of July.

Acrylic's avatar

Of course. Here’s an interesting on this topic.

White Cargo: The Forgotten History of Britain’s White Slaves in America

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