Social Question

LostInParadise's avatar

Have you ever tried to solve a problem by having a written dialog with yourself?

Asked by LostInParadise (32285points) April 19th, 2023

I have tried it on Wordle and it works pretty well. If I get stuck on a word and I can’t see any possible solution, I will write down in detail why I think that there is no way to find the answer. One thing that this does is to keep me from thinking about the same thing repeatedly. It helps open up possibilities that I had not thought of. It also helps to write down possible guesses that are close to being possible solutions but not quite.

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5 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

No, but in the middle of the night I ask my brain to remember whatever is bothering me. Like the name of a celebrity or whatever. It works on its own every time.

kritiper's avatar

Yes. It allowed me to see all that was going on at the same time in the context of the situation, things I hadn’t realized until then. Very helpful!

Forever_Free's avatar

My brain works better when not overtaxing it like this when stuck. I can sort things in my mind without the need for paper. If I am still stuck on solutions, I let it marinate.
I sleep on it or take a walk to clear my mind. The solution comes after the clearing.

smudges's avatar

The closest I’ve come to that is writing a pros and cons list. If I’m trying to think of a name of a person or movie or something, I mentally go through the alphabet. That usually leads to one or two letters seeming right, and I concentrate on them until I come up with it. Almost always works.

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