Do you have difficulty urinating, with other people around?
Does it bother you?
Does it affect you at all?
Do you have any specific reason for your answer?
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30 Answers
It was an issue for me, when I was a young boy.
It hasn’t bothered me in decades…
Yes. I hate peeing in front of strangers. I’d rather pee in the woods over public bathroom, unless it’s a single occupancy. If I go in and it’s too crowded and stalls are full, I’ll feign washing hands then walk out full bladder.
Yes, that is why I am always the one being peed on.
In daycare I crossed the streams with another boy.
^Never cross the streams! Didn’t you see Ghostbusters?...
@MrGrimm888 Lol. I watched Ghostbusters one and that’s was the inspiration for the act. They crossed the streams in the last 10 minutes of the show. So it’s ok.
Yeah bro. They had to kill Gozer..
Not usually. As long as it isn’t a stressful situation or environment aside from the need to pee. I wouldn’t want to pee in front of a man (except my husband) but as long as I was behind a door I could pee no problem. With women it’s fine if there is no door. Especially with my mom or sister, no problem.
A close friend of mine has to do her urine samples for lab tests at home. I can’t understand it. She’s lucky she doesn’t need to be tested for work and isn’t in rehab.
I prefer privacy when I pee. I absolutely hated going to the bathroom with the guys after a meeting. There was always one or two attendees who had to get another discussion point in from the meeting.
@MrGrimm888 @RedDeerGuy1 Re: crossing the streams. When we were about 5 or 6 or 7 my brother and would cross streams when we came inside after a day playing in the snow. We played sword fights as we were peeing into (and on, and around) the toilet.
Of course we didn’t clean up our mess – and were admonished for the heinous act.
I still smile when I think about it.
^When fighting, you have to do the Vader and Luke “I am your father” scene. With light sabre sound effects.
TMI time. One time, years ago, I thought I caught a venereal disease. Pissing fire…
It was justva UTI. But. I was given medication to ease the pain which turned my urine red for several days. I was making light sabre noises each time I peed. Sometimes in public bathrooms. Laughing my ass off at the looks of strangers…
Bbsszzzzzz! Vvwuumpfff! Shkkkkyyt! (Light sabre noises:)
I don’t, but I do have trouble defecating if there are other people nearby or in a public bathroom, (including being a guest in someone’s house). I posted about it a year or two ago on here.
Last Memorial Day weekend, I went with my daughter to visit friends at their vacation house. There were a few adults and a bunch of teens. I didn’t go to the bathroom from Saturday morning until we got home Monday night. Of course, if I was there longer, I would have had to go but it worked out that I could hold it. If I was to go in their house, I would have had to have some time when there was nobody around, no chance of anybody having to use the bathroom right after me. I don’t take a long time to go, I’m just self conscious about it to where it affects my ability to go.
^Indeed. When I have to go #2, I prefer it to be a home game.
I lived in an old apartment once, where the restroom shared a wall with my bedroom. That sucked when I had a girl staying the night.
The walls were so thin, you could hear my neighbors in their bathroom too. And of course vice-versa. God bless my poor neighbor woman. She had to live next to me… She gave me a cryptic/undeniable smile whenever she saw me. My my. What she must have heard. I am a loud person. I had loud girls stay over there too.
Nope, yet privacy prevails when I have a choice. I hike a lot and often need to just off the trail. It happened several times yesterday for both myself and my hike partner. Nature calls.
On the other hand, I recall one start-up I worked for and the small bathroom was right across from one guys office in a small office space. I was in a meeting in his office and I could hear everything. I was embarrassed for him having short straw on the office.
Wuf woof arr arf!
( Transl. – Not at all! )
@MrGrimm888 The activities with my brother predated Star Wars by decades. We discovered the effect quite accidentally, But, once we knew, we knew!
Another trick we learned accidentally was peeing while still wearing our winter coats. They had a drawstring at the bottom so you could pull it tight to prevent wind and snow from getting up under the coat. If you had to pee quickly the string would sometimes swing in front of the stream making the string jump and the pee fly everywhere.
My poor Mother! :-)
^I’m starting to think you weren’t a very hygienic child…
No more or less hygienic than the average 6 year old boy with a younger brother. :-)
I’ll say it again…. My poor Mother!
@LuckyGuy When a friend of mine was pregnant iwth her second son, she said the doctor told her that having two daughters is like having two daughters but having two sons is like having a classroom full.
@jca2 My brother and I were interested in fireworks and things that went “bang”.
Before we knew how to make “the good stuff” we would take the powder out of plastic caps for cap guns and make a pile. Then we’d hit it with a hammer. One time my Mother had friends over for card playing leaving my brother and me to play quietly in the basement.
We made a pile of bang cap powder about half the size of a dime – the biggest one we ever made. I hit it and… kablam! According to my Dad, the floor shook! My poor Mother!
I don’t know any girls in the neighborhood who played with that stuff.
Did it twice yesterday on a hike. Ain’t No big deal.
I actually never thought much about it, because no it doesn’t bother me, and never has. When I was a young boy in school we had trough urinals in the boys bathroom. They still have these in some of our parks and county fair restrooms. I just unzip and go, not a big deal, to me at least. I know some can’t though. We all have the same equipment.
@Dutchess_III haha yes, I know, but I am talking about the men’s room!
I would think it would be less “embarrassing,” for a female (girl/woman.) Is that not the case?
@MrGrimm888 Not sure why you think that, but I’ve heard most men have less modesty, which is why it doesn’t bother a lot of men to stand and urinate at open urinals. Though we all have different feelings.
Every time I pee in public I think of this question now.
@nightwolf5 . I guess I thought that because females (girls,women,) don’t expose their genitals when they urinate. Assuming they are in a closed bathroom stall. If I’m peeing in a urinal in a restroom with unoccupied urinals next to me and a dude walks in and chooses to use a stall for #1, I assume that the privacy is helpful/comforting…
I’m hoping the male-bashers here won’t crucify me for my wondering thoughts.
( @nightwolf5 to clarify, you aren’t one of them. They know who they are.)
Yes. To overcome it, I focus on a spot on the wall.
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