Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What are the things these days that you would characterize as “much ado about nothing”?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) April 23rd, 2023 from iPhone

In humanity, in your society and maybe even personal life? Thanks.

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3 Answers

janbb's avatar

Celebrity news for sure. I was going to say the culture wars but they have real consequences for individuals.

smudges's avatar

Who’zoomin’who in the “celebrity” world! I scoff at the meaning of “celebrity” these days

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I feel like I could write a novel on this topic, but I won’t. I guess in general I would just say the ridiculous things that people complain about. Here’s an example that is in the forefront of my mind right now… I do the New York Times crossword puzzle everyday, usually with a fair amount of success. On Sundays in particular, I like to go into the blog and read the comments that other people post. Now if you’ve ever done the New York Times crossword puzzle, you know that they can be kind of tough and they also have some tricky clues. Well I’ve noticed a trend lately that people seem to be complaining more and more in the comments about how they didn’t like the puzzle or they thought the clues were too hard for a Sunday puzzle, that sort of thing. And all I can think is, good grief! If you’re being bothered that much by something you do for recreation and that you’re not in any way obligated to do, then why are you doing it?

It just seems like society is so determined to complain about everything nowadays. We make much ado about nothing. I don’t know, maybe it’s because there are so many issues to be so concerned about nowadays that we feel like we have to complain about the small stuff. I do it too, but I also think it brings you down if you’re constantly complaining about things.

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