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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What do you do with your cloth grocery store bags?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25149points) April 25th, 2023

When they were plastic I would use them for garbage bags. Now I have about 30 cloth grocery store bags. Can I give them back to the store? Or use them for garbage containers?

I called the store, and they don’t want them.

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16 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Wash them and take them to the store the next time you go.

Acrylic's avatar

Daughter carries a couple in her purse in case of impromptu shopping.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

Do you not reuse them? I try and keep some in my car so that even if I stop at a store unexpectedly, I always have some to take in. And there are some stores that if you don’t bring your own bags you have to pay at least a little bit to get bags from the store. I also have a collection at home and I try not to add to that by buying more bags. They come in handy for other things too. When I was moving and trying to get packed up, I wasn’t really able to carry boxes of books down to the ground floor of my mom’s house. But I found that if I loaded up some of those grocery bags with books, I could carry them because they had handles.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@LifeQuestioner I rarely go shopping in person. I order groceries now mostly online. The online shopper doesn’t want the cloth grocery bags back. In fact they use them to shop with, and they give them too me.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 that makes sense then. I do do a lot of online shopping myself nowadays, because of my back but also because I think I just got in the habit during covid and it is really convenient, although more expensive. You could ask neighbors if they would like them. I use mine for various other things as well. Like when I go to my Bible study, I carry my books in one of them. If I’m working on a sewing project, I will keep everything that goes with that project in one of them. When I used to go to the library, I would use that to return books in and then bring home books I had checked out in the same bag. That’s all I’ve got for you, sorry.

Brian1946's avatar

I reuse them, which is why I’ve only accumulated about 6.

When I shop for groceries, I reuse the paper ones.

When I go to Target, I use my canvas bags instead of their plastic ones.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I had a couple fall apart on me – simply disintegrate and become powder.

I think their time has come and gone. As I understand it, the energy required to recycle and then manufacture the fake bags exceeds the energy used to make plastic. I would have to find the article; I ready that 4–5 years ago.

JLeslie's avatar

I wash mine and reuse them. I actually almost exclusively use insulated cloth bags. I live in Florida, so it helps keep the frozen food frozen on the way home. I bring all insulated bags so the person bagging my groceries doesn’t have to worry too much about what goes where.

I also reuse paper shopping bags a few times and eventually use then for yard clippings.

If your bags are very worn or old I would throw them in the trash.

Zaku's avatar

I use cloth shopping bags every time I shop. They’re also useful for carrying things, keeping related things together, traveling, organizing items, and any other things bags are useful for.

If I had problems accumulating more than I needed, I’d keep one in my car, one in the pocket of any jacket I might shop in, keep 7–12 for other uses, and then also offer them to friends and family, especially if they hadn’t used them yet. I’d see if any other groups needed any, but I’d be happy to store some, too, as eventually they rip, or I might have some use for them.

flutherother's avatar

I reuse mine. They are useful, so you could try selling them on eBay. You never know.

ragingloli's avatar

Reuse them as shopping bags? Not like they have bouncers that kick you out if you do not buy a new bag each time.

longgone's avatar

I just wash them, leave them in a drawer, and then use them for all sorts of things over time. They’re good for carrying your wallet, phone, water bottle and a book when you’re riding a bus or train. They can hold presents if you’re going to a birthday party, or a container of food that you’d otherwise be carrying to a friend’s house in your arms. You can use them to sort things like laundry at home or temporarily store anything else that could benefit from being in a washable bag – a wet bathing suit, dog toys, fresh walnuts, a plastic bag of potting soil that’s bursting open, vegetables straight from the field, a sandy beach towel, bulkier recycling items…

LuckyGuy's avatar

I reuse them. I keep about 6 in each car and about the sane number in a box near the outside door so i remember to put them back in the car again after shopping.
I have give a few away when giving things to other people. Mostly they last forever.

Forever_Free's avatar

I keep about 4–5 in my car for future shopping everywhere.
The remained of them I sewed together and made a blanket that I keep in the back of my Jeep for outings like camping, picnic or beach trips.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I use mine for my 2nd hand. I keep several in my car for when needed. I use them around the house to carry things from room to room. I use them to bring in my mail because if I have very much mail, I have a difficult time getting in the door & the handles on the bag takes care of that. They also come in handy when I have an Amazon order. Won’t carry the larger boxes, but convenient for most of what I order. I use them to carry some dirty clothes when I’m ready to do the laundry. I use them for storing matching yarn. At the end of summer, I use them to store my casual sandals. They sit well in the back of the closet until it is warm enough again to pull the bag back out & transition back for the summer months.

As many as you have, you could easily use them for your trash if you can think of no other use. In my mind that’s wasteful; however, I only have a few so I wash & reuse them. I also still go into a store to do my shopping & they are used frequently!!!

SnipSnip's avatar

I always get the paper ones and use them for various things and then discard. I have always folded a paper grocery bag and placed at the bottom of my kitchen garbage pail, inside the plastic garbage bag, to absorb moisture. I don’t accept the plastic bags unless I’m somewhere other than my preferred market, Publix.

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