Social Question

smudges's avatar

Do you ever just feel sad?

Asked by smudges (11412points) April 26th, 2023

Sad at the unfairness of the world, still sad at the silly pet you had that died when you were 3, so sad that a song made you cry, sad that so many loving, talented, amazing people have left this world, sad about the things you’ve missed out on…just overwhelmed with sadness?

If so, what makes you sad? ...especially personal, specific things moreso than huge general things.

Today I’m just sad, and can’t put my finger on it. My sister’s boxer isn’t long for this world, and I love his spirit and that makes me sad, but it feels like more than that. But I don’t know what. Ever feel like that?

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23 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Yes. Today I was sad having to wake up to go to a doctor’s appointment.

Good thing is that they cancelled, and I used the taxi money for groceries, and a order of pork ribs. Cheered me up.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Sometimes, but not often. My mom learned that sometimes it’s a choice, sometimes it’s okay to just be in your feeling’s for a day.

My mom died in May last year, that’s got me dowb in general. My dog had a blockage, my dryer heater went out and I had to pay taxes. Been a depressing period, I feel attacked. But this too shall pass. :) Hope you feel better soon, go have some fun! I went to a theme park Saturday and chose to live in the moment, it was refreshing and fun. Nothing like coasters and giant barn swing to scare you into feeling alive. Ha!

longgone's avatar

Yes, absolutely. What makes me sad currently: family conflicts and neighbour conflicts. I’m not directly involved in the arguments, but it makes me sad to see people I like (love) be misunderstood or hurt.

I know the feeling of anticipatory grief, too, and I feel that when I think of my sister’s dog and also (to a lesser extent because he is younger) for my own dog pal.

Acrylic's avatar

Sure. Sad and lonely. All the time. Life goes on.

smudges's avatar

@Acrylic I’m really sorry that you feel that way all of the time.

smudges's avatar

Mine only comes around now and then, and like @KNOWITALL said, it’s ok just to be in your feelings, to honor them. I don’t get trapped in them anymore, and I do know they’ll pass. It feels good to hear them validated, to know others feel that too.

@KNOWITALL Did you go to the theme park with someone? That’s my problem, I don’t have anyone to do fun things with. I belong to a bead group, but that’s all we do together. I ought to branch out and find another group to get aquainted with…find someone who even just wants to go to a matinee.

kritiper's avatar

Yes. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and I am just SO down! So I get up and eat something sweet, my mood changes, and I can go back to sleep.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Yes, I have “sad days” every now & again. I can’t give you specific reasons as there seems to be NO specific reason for them!!! I just push through them & hope I wake up to a better day tomorrow. Fighting them seems to make them worse.

I’ve always assumed that they are some form of depression, but I have nothing to back that up. Chocolate & oxygen seems to help a little bit, but doesn’t stop them.Still, BOTH those help “me” to feel better!!!

JLeslie's avatar

Sure. It happened much more when I was younger.

When it was drawn out it was depression, not just a sad few hours or days.

As a teen I think it was mostly feeling lonely, feeling mistreated, and not having much direction. I also constantly felt like I had to do things I didn’t want to do, and one of the biggest problems was lack of sleep, which is even worse when you are depressed, it’s a vicious cycle.

Through my late 20’s and 30’s it was a prolonged grieving regarding health issues. I had a lot of anxiety which kind of counterbalanced the symptoms of the sadness.

Now, when I’m sad, it’s often triggered by witnessing very sad events around me or in the world. I can snap out of it faster now. I fan just switch to something I’m looking forward to, or push aside my disappointments and move forward. I can stay out of the hole of depression I used to fall into.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@smudges It was an Appreciation Day gift from my husbands employer. We waffled quite a bit but I’m glad we did it.
I have a tendency to live in my head, but my husband is a social butterfly, so it balances out. :)

smudges's avatar

^^ I’m glad you went! That’s one thing I miss about my ex – someone to do things with.

Today I’m much better. I knew it would pass. I also wrote an email to my sister who’s going through some life-changing stuff. We had Skyped and talked about it, and I’ve had some tears every day since then. she’s not dying or anything that serious But getting out my pain for her in written form helped because it’s not nagging me so much.

Yes, @JLeslie, It does happen more when we’re young. As we age we grow in experience both in life and in handling events and emotions. Thank goodness! I don’t think I could handle being as depressed as I used to be at my age.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@smudges I’m glad you’re feeling better today.
My doctor told me exercise is a very goid, natural anti-depressant, which I believe is the primary reason my mothers death didn’t break me. And my faith, of course.
Worth a shot if you stay down very long. Hugs

flutherother's avatar

I used to feel sad more often and more deeply in my teens and early 20’s than I do now. Looking back, I think my feelings of sadness came from feelings of detachment from life. There is a Chinese poem titled “The Ornamented Zither” that expresses this thought beautifully.

JLeslie's avatar

@smudges There are actual changes in the brain, it’s been studied. Younger people feel emotional pain much mor intensely on average. It starts to really drop off after age 40 if I remember correctly.

SnipSnip's avatar

I don’t whine about feeling sad. Some things are just sad. Feel it and move on. I don’t mean in an instant. There are few things in life from which one may never be able to do that, but one must always try.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well yeah…

So many memories are tied to so many things.

American Idol is underway. My close friend/ex roommate Jerome who was a bassist, used to watch it. I always loved music. I’ve played guitar/bass guitar, for most of my life. But. Jerome taught me the importance of studying music. All kinds. Before I lived with him, I wouldn’t have be caught dead listening to a lot of popular music. I was so much of a nonconformist… It was just plain wilful ignorance on my part.
He helped me put on the spacesuit-like tux I had to wear as the best man for another friend’s wedding forever ago. I never knew what cufflinks, and all the other doodads were. He made sure I looked the part.
He was the bassist for a popular East Coast reggae band. I was inadvertently mixed in with lots of people in my local music scene. The self growth I experienced then, was a huge part of who I am today.
I remember when I first met him. Big, tall black dude, with dreadlocks to his waste. We were fast friends. I was only 21 years old. I had a massive group of really close friends then.
Many have sadly died over the years. Each a unique tragedy.
Jerome died about a year ago. He had a lot of children. He was always on the run from warrants for child support. That wasn’t his most endearing trait… He was a true “Rolling Stone.” He spent time allover the Islands (Atlantic,) and the US. He was living in Arizona and had just had another child. The mother of his child left him. He always had money problems. I guess things were just not going well. He was found dead. Likely from an intentional overdose. Another close friend had died the same way months before. Thinking about one of my friends, makes me think of all of them I’ve lost…

It’s no exaggeration to say that I have lost 2–3 close friends a year over the last 8 years…

That. Combined with everything else in life, including losing everything I’ve ever had to floods/hurricanes, and having to euthanize my 16 year old dog/daughter, was plenty of reason for me to drink myself to death a few years ago.
Looking back. I can see my decent into insanity quite clearly on these very pages…

I’ve lost more than 20 people since my diagnosis in November 2020. Hell. My doctor. My lawyer. My old boss. A close friends great 17 year old daughter. It’s too much to list…

I just get sad sometimes.

But. There are things in life we can have, but cannot keep. We can’t keep anything…
I guess we just have to understand exactly how privileged we are to have been part of so many different lives. Lives of people, and other lifeforms. I really miss the golden orb weavers. These huge spiders we used to have in alarming populations in Charleston. The ones that prompted me to find Fluther…
Here. I get to meet other amazing people. People who I don’t always see eye to eye with. But people I care deeply for nonetheless…

@smudges this is a journey…

The easy way out of such feelings, fleeting or not, is apathy. Just don’t go there. Let things hurt. It’s OK. I’m hurting right now. Thinking about you hurting. Each pain, is just another hammer strike that will forge us into sharper instruments, making us more capable of navigating this journey. And. Helping others along the way.

Listen to some undeniably uplifting music. Do some exercise. Distract yourself…
As @KNOWITALL mentioned, “this too shall pass.”

For what it’s worth. You have my support.

Peace and Love.

jca2's avatar

Sometimes I feel sad about a boyfriend who I broke up with and who I’m still friends with, but he’s married to someone else and I think I shouldn’t have broken up with him. I feel guilty because I know I caused him a lot of hurt at the time. I remind myself that I can’t do anything about it now.

@smudges I’m in a book group that’s about 7 or 8 people. We started out going for drinks after the monthly meeting at the library. Sometimes we’d meet for dinner at a restaurant. Now the group meets at the leader’s house so it became a book group/dinner group. Maybe since your bead group are all friends, you can suggest they do something social outside the group.

smudges's avatar

@MrGrimm888 For what it’s worth. You have my support.

I know I do, and thank you. I tried from age 15 – 46 not to feel. Had 5 or 6 psych hospitalizations, an overdose that left me in a coma, 16 electroshock sessions, many antidepressants, bottles of booze and handfuls of street drugs. The ECT treatments helped the most and I’ve been depression-free for about 6 years. The past couple of days aren’t depression, they’ve just been those days of old regrets. Everyone has them and everyone’s right – they’ll pass. It’s like I said a number of years ago when I was quitting drinking, “You have to go through it to get through it.”

My sister and the vet let her boxer go today, and although I wasn’t around him a lot, I know she’s hurting, and that hurts me, plus the loss of an amazing doggo. But it’s ok, his brain tumor is healed now and he’s perfect. Like many here, animals are really special to me and I think I’ve been experiencing this sadness in large part because of him. Plus, it just brings back all the animals I’ve lost, even down to the last frog. You’re right, we can’t keep anything, but we can borrow them.

@jca2 That’s a good idea; I’ll see what my fellow beaders say.

Thanks again to every one of you – you’ve helped me, not out of my sadness which is ok but feel less alone about it. :)

nightwolf5's avatar

Yes all the time, though some days I am very happy, and the sun out does help. Sadly the happy days are far between at times. I was happier in the past in my younger years. We all just have to be there for each other, and try and make the world a better place.

smudges's avatar

I’m really sorry that you feel that way. I agree with being there for one another. I honestly think that some of the depression and bad feelings nowadays comes about due to the negativity in the world – the stressors and hatred and fear.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Ya know. It’s worth mentioning. In similar posts, there is always great advice. However. One thing is usually omitted.

Spread love. Spread joy.

Volunteer for something. Hand out food, bikes, books.

Talk to others. If you see someone who needs help, help them.

For me. I enjoy ALL life. I enjoy helping where I can. Sometimes I find a beatle upside down. Usually a roach. I turn them over, and watch them run off. If I find an insect or animal I don’t want inside, I carefully take them outside and try to put them somewhere safe.
When I’m out in my canoe, it’s common to have a fly land on me. They’re after the sodium in my sweat. I hold still for a minute so they can have some “Grimm-orade,” and then they’re on their way.
If you look around. Life us hard for everyone, and everything. Helping other organisms out, can definitely be therapeutic…

“Peace and love.”

nightwolf5's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I love what you just wrote there above. Very kind and positive way to be.

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