Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

If Trump is found guilty of rape will he have to register as a sex offender?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25069points) April 28th, 2023

Also If he wins the presidency again, will he have to go door to door declaring that he is a sex offender?

Is there any president for a world leader?

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10 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

This is not a criminal trial.

Zaku's avatar

The word is “precedent”. I don’t know.

But it seems to me that your core legal question was whether a national leader convicted of a sex crime would be listed as a sex offender in a country with such a system. And the answer to that seems clearly to be yes, unless some theoretical country had a specific exception for it.

Or, in a dictatorship, but in that case, the trial wouldn’t happen. Or the leader would be found innocent. Or the leader would let themself be found guilty, and then enjoy flexing their power on anyone who said or tried to do anything about it. Etc.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I guess he would, if this was a criminal trial. But honestly, would it really be necessary? If you saw Trump coming down the road and you were a woman, wouldn’t you think, I’m staying away from that guy?

smudges's avatar

If it were a criminal trial, yes.

Cupcake's avatar

I don’t know what exactly the requirements are for sex offender registries, but they were designed to track those who committed sexual abuse of children or highly violent sexual crimes. I haven’t heard that Donald Trump did either of those things.

smudges's avatar

^^ If he’s found guilty in a criminal court, yes, he will have to register as a sex offender. Btw, rape is a crime of violence, not sex.

In every state in the nation, a person convicted of forcible rape is required to register as a sex offender.

Cupcake's avatar

Thanks @smudges!

BTW – it wasn’t my terminology. “Highly violent” was the language in the federal law that established the sex offender registry.

smudges's avatar

^^ I hear ya. :)

LifeQuestioner's avatar

Since this was a civil case, no, he won’t have to, but it’s not like he’s some mysterious face in the crowd.

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