General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Do life insurance policies take into an account dying destitute in a hospital? (Details Inside)

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25104points) April 28th, 2023

Say one pays premiums on time until going long term in a hospital, and then dying?

They have only social security payments that stop when one is in a hospital for more than two months? After two months they are cut off? Does the insurance company still pay?

Is this a common problem?

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8 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

No, they are heartless.

seawulf575's avatar

No, the insurance is only active as long as premiums are being paid. If you are dying in the hospital and don’t pay your premiums and don’t reach out to the insurance company, then they will close your policy, though it takes a month or two.

janbb's avatar

If the premiums are up to date and the policy is still in force, they should pay out.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@seawulf575 Can a family member pay the amount in arrears? Retroactively? To open the file again?

janbb's avatar

There are all kinds of life insurance policies with different stipulations although I would think if it’s lapsed, it’s lapsed. Your best bet would be to read the terms of the policy in question or ask the company. Nobody here could give you an accurate answer.

seawulf575's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 That depends on how far the process has gone. Usually it’s something like 3 months behind and they cancel the policy. Even after it is canceled, I believe there is a way to pay all the arrearage and reinstate the policy, but after the person dies it is unlikely they would honor that. My suggestion would be to call the insurance company and talk to them.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update Some television commercials say that you can get life insurance policies that allow a terminal illness to be paid to the policy holder before they die.

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