Is the falling ratings at FOX because of the firing of Tucker Carlson, or because viewers are tired of the hypocrisy his firing exposed?
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filmfann (
April 28th, 2023
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9 Answers
Fox is a bit of en enigma. It should not exist anymore. For those who were paying attention, they briefly swung center hard back when FOX media was bought and FOX news split as a separate entity. Very abrupt, very obvious. This did not last and they tried to bring back the ratings by pandering to the far right again. I think Tucker wanted to leave and this was the time for Fox to cut him loose. Center right has mostly abandoned Fox long ago and now the fringy right are as well. That only leaves a smaller sliver of the right wing that still watch it.
Y E S !
All of the above.
The right wingers are intentionally not watching Faux News to send a message. Lots of the righties are watching Newsmax now.
I think its part the hypocrisy and part feeling Fox was wrong for the firings. A post is going around saying Tucker is making 3x his Fox salary now. Ha!
Tucker is not real news but ugly politics, racist, white nationalist and white-grievance comical-therapy for his viewers, all 3 million of them average viewership…I think.
These 3 million fans are addicted. They will follow their grand wizard wherever he goes.
Better if Fox News Entertainment goes down. Maybe they’ll turn themselves into a real news network.
No real idea. I didn’t watch Fox before Carlson was let go and I haven’t watched it since. My feelings on this is that Fox ratings are probably nearing what CNN and MSNBC have put up with for the past few years. Carlson was a cash cow for them. He was wildly popular with a loyal audience. He brought in lots of advertising revenue. The viewers and the advertising are gone. Whether they are gone because he is gone or because of some weird boycott is the real matter for speculation.
I see it as a knee-jerk reaction to Carlson. Most will be back..some faster than others. NONE of them are seeing the hypocrisy because it would mean that they need to be honest with themselves!!!
Many of my Republican friends on facebook are posting how much they love Tucker and telling each other where to get their news now (to switch from Fox) and they are all hoping Tucker turns up somewhere else or runs for president.
Most loyal Fox News watchers have no idea about any hypocrisy or details about the Dominion case.
It is definitely due to the firing of Carlson. I have seen some Fox critics referring to Fox News as an entertainment show rather than a news show. From that point of view, Fox got rid of its main attraction and is facing the consequences.
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