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jca2's avatar

How is the weather where you are?

Asked by jca2 (17249points) May 1st, 2023

How’s the weather been for you lately?

Where I am (southern NY about an hour north of the city), it’s been chilly lately and raining. A few weeks ago, we had 90 degrees for a few days, which was very unusual for this time of year.

Not far from here, there’s been massive flooding of the parkways and local roads. We all had a lot of rain this past weekend.

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25 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

We had a spate of warm weather a week ago here in Northern California, where one could wear flip flops and shorts into the evening. But a cold front moved in this weekend, cool and overcast now and rain forecast this week.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Weird. This year in Atlanta, it has been cool and LOTS of rain. Last year at this point it was steadily in the 80s.

Not that i am complaining! No need for air conditioning for a while. And the reservoirs are full to the brim.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Dry, sunny and chilly at night, gusty winds. SW Mo

Acrylic's avatar

40s and drizzly. Cooler than previous years, but that seems to be trending this past decade.

gorillapaws's avatar

@jca2 Similar here in Virginia. I’m actually enjoying the rain. I think we need it.

kritiper's avatar

Very nice, now that is has decided to be spring in southern Idaho. Yesterday, April 30, 2023, we set a record. Old temp, 84. New temp record, 89. Today is to be 86. This weekend the temp is supposed to fall back to normal, about 65 with a chance of rain.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I think 8 out of the last 10 weekends it has rained on Saturday or Sunday. April had over twice the normal inches of rain almost 8 inches.

ragingloli's avatar

The weather is.

filmfann's avatar

We are in Northern Northern California.
Following the Snow-pocalypse, we had 2 weeks of spring, then jumped into the 90’s. This morning we shifted back to the 40’s and heavy fog.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Here, the weather is perfect. Today’s high temperature will be 80F/26C.

NoMore's avatar

Gorgeous. Bit of rain and t storms last week but long gone now. Central Texas.

SnipSnip's avatar

Eighty-one degrees. Sunny. Rip current warning. 20 mph wind.

flutherother's avatar

The weather has been cool and wet here recently but today the sun came out and it was simply beautiful. It even felt pleasantly warm in the sun though officially the temperature was mid 50’s in the west coast of Scotland.

chyna's avatar

Cold and wet. Very unusual for us this time of year.

nightwolf5's avatar

I’m in Western WA. Finally starting to get sunny, but we still need to get rid of these sporadic showers.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Beautiful today. 70⁰

Brian1946's avatar

65º with some clouds, and intermittent drizzle.

JLeslie's avatar

Windy, but otherwise great today, and the wind isn’t so strong that it’s annoying, just need a barrette for my hair. Sunny and 78°F right now at 7:00pm. I had my house open this morning for a few hours.

It was rainy this past Saturday.

smudges's avatar

61 and windy. The wind has been driving me nuts for about 1–2 weeks, almost daily. Temps have varied between 58–70 daytime, 35–48 at night. Nothing to complain about but very up and down.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Not a cloud in the sky. Light breezes. 80’s in daytime. 60’s at night. It won’t be nice fir long though. Summer approaches.
Flip-flops are in full bloom.

Charleston SC. “Hey yall!”...

chyna's avatar

Tomorrow, Wednesday May 3rd, we are supposed to get snow flurries. By the weekend it’s supposed to be sunny and in the 70’s. Such wacky weather.

Forever_Free's avatar

Cold and rainy in the Berkshires. Same in Boston and central NH.
May showers bring…...........

Dutchess_III's avatar

Supposedly we’re getting some thunderstorms this week.

zenvelo's avatar

Been raining off and on all morning in the San Francisco Bay Area. And not a drizzle, an actual downpour where I had the wipers on high.

tinyfaery's avatar

It was in the high 80s for about a week and now it’s Los Angeles cold- high 50s/low 60s.

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