Cat lovers, why does my cat bite me lightly?
She will lightly bite me. Sometimes it completely startles me, and I react.
She’s obviously not being aggressive.
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14 Answers
We always called it a soft bite or a love bite. It’s not meant to hurt. I hope your reaction is gentle?
As for why, well, no cat of mine has ever answered that question, and I have had some cats.
Sometimes cats bite gently when they’re being overstimulated, for example when they’re being petted vigorously. Mine do it sometimes, not in a malicious way, just as a hint for me to back off.
Oh, ^^^ that’s true. I forgot that. It’s been a while.
It’s a warning to back off.
Awwwwww, how cute.
Pure love!
I had one cat who used it as a way to show his love & also as a way to say pay attention to me. Another cat would walk up in front of me & roll over on her back as if to ask me to scratch her belly. She’d let me scratch her belly until it started bothering her & then she’d grab my hand with all 4 paws & give me a gentle bite. I took that as a sign that it was time to STOP!!!
I had one little boy who bit hard & with an attitude often breaking the skin. Never figured out what his problem was, but later discovered that his daddy was a cat with emotional problems that had to be put down for attacking the entire family. If you don’t mind the gentle bite, learn the times that it’s probably going to happen & mentally prepare yourself for a nip. If it bothers you, you can teach them that it’s not OK & they will often stop doing it. Personally, I don’t mind a gentle nip!!!
I can warn you that you should pet your cat in the direction the fur grows. If you rub them against the hair growth, they will get upset. It’s similar to rubbing your feet on carpet & then reach out to a friend…ZAP!!!
Is it when you aren’t paying attention to her? Maybe she wants your attention.
As a side note, I think some of these cat smacking a dog videos are funny. But the ones where cats lay on the dog is so cute.
^^ I love the one where a young toddler tries to reach out to pet the cat but is still uncoordinated. The cat smack as if they are in a boxing match.
My big male does that for more attention. Sometimes I’ll be petting with one hand and he bites the other so I use both.
You’re either doing something they don’t want you to do, or you’re not doing something they do want you to do.
Sounds like a love bite.
There is a subtle difference between the love bite that @Jeruba mentioned, and the “stop” or “back off” bite that @gondwanalon mentioned.
The love bite tends to be a very sweet gesture or appreciation and the cat’s value of your relationship with (and petting of) them.
The “stop” bite can also just mean that you’ve been getting them so worked up with your petting, that they need you to stop, and can also be a strong compliment. Though it can also hurt and mean you’re in imminent danger of more hurt.
If/when you’re not sure which it is, it’s best to slowly back away and stop petting.
The love bite is often accompanied by a lick. That’s how I know the difference.
An apology for the bite, it seems. My dog does that too.
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