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mazingerz88's avatar

Why are small Swarovski crystal statues expensive?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) May 2nd, 2023 from iPhone

A 3.5 inch Spiderman statue is priced around 530 bucks. I’m aware of licensing fees yet supposedly Swarovski makes their crystals out of fire, sand and water…materials that aren’t rare. Thanks.

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3 Answers

cookieman's avatar

I think you’re paying for the name and (I assume) their reputation. Plus, enough people are willing to pay it, so they have no reason to make them more affordable.

chyna's avatar

Swarovski crystals are no longer made. Preciosa has pretty much taken over the crystal business. But now that Swarovski is no longer made, they will be even more expensive.

smudges's avatar

And now that Preciosa has the market, you watch, as time passes standards will go down, or they’ll sell their company to the Chinese. Like Birkenstock selling out. :(

Birkenstock has agreed to sell a majority stake to LVMH-backed private equity firm L Catterton. The family-owned German company said the deal would help it to grow in China and India as well as expand its online business.

Sorry, but who gives a fuck if it grows in China and India?!

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