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Dutchess_III's avatar

A question about food poisoning;?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) May 3rd, 2023

I you get food poisoning from a meal, then eat again in the next 12 hours, does that 2nd meal become contaminated too?

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12 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

What you consume later is not “contaminated” by whatever caused your illness earlier. But it does not mean you are past your illness.

If you have some unfriendly new residents of your biome, they will interact with anything until your stronger healthier biome residents take over again.

Caravanfan's avatar

I don’t think so.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ve been sick since Sunday night. It is now Thursday. I’m so over this.

NoMore's avatar

I’d see a doctor.

jca2's avatar

What did the doctor say, @Dutchess_III?

jca2's avatar

He sounds like a great doctor.

NoMore's avatar

Sounds like a quack. Has to practice medicine because he doesn’t know it.

JLeslie's avatar

Are you still sick? It is a week now. What you eat later wouldn’t matter, except to say eating or drinking might cause you to throw up again, because you have food in your stomach. Are you throwing up for a week now, or is it diarrhea? Or, just you feel queasy and uncomfortable? Did anyone else in the house get sick? If you are throwing up for over a week where you can’t keep anything down I would go to a gastroenterologist or another GP if your GP is not doing more tests or not trying some sort of treatment to help. It might not be food poisoning, you might have assumed that, but it might be a coincidence.

We just got through stomach flu season (norovirus usually) which usually is a 24 hour thing, 12 hours of intense horribleness praying to the toilet bowl, and then 12 hours of still feeling bad and needing more rest and hoping to hold down some food and liquid, but some people it is more severe and they feel unwell for a good 4 days.

If you have unrelenting diarrhea for a week now, that might be Camplobacter, and Cipro works great for it, and there are some other antibiotics that work well too. I think with E.coli the body can clear the bacteria and still the toxins are still wreaking havoc for a while, so I am not sure if antibiotics work as well if you wait, I am not sure. You might want to google that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m fine. Thanks. Just need to put some weight back on.

RocketGuy's avatar

It takes a few days to recover, so it’s not due to the later food getting contaminated by the first.

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