Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What careers would you defund and discontinue? (Details Inside)

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25164points) May 3rd, 2023

Based on a question last month about stopping space exploration in exchange for paying down the debt and looking after poorest citizens?

I can’t find the question. So I am asking another one.

As a social experiment; What resources to human energy, (taxes, capital investment), would you play around with?

From space exploration to funding mental health for the poor?

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11 Answers

janbb's avatar

Reduce spending on military equipment and new materiel. Cut the budget of the Pentagon.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Cut salaries for Congress to immediately fun emergency inflation relief for Americans.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Clergy of all types.

Religious leaders spout lies and tell fairy tales. That ‘profession’ should be made obsolete.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Lawyers (corporate and the ambulance chasing type) health insurance company management, lobbyists

Acrylic's avatar

I’d be willing to privatize much of the government. Parks, libraries, garbage pickup, utilities, etc. Dig deep, free the taxpayer of unnecessary costs. Let the free market decide what’s needed. I’d happily pay an annual fee for library use, seems unfair those who never use it have to pay for it.

ragingloli's avatar

The military. Not completely though. You just stop paying the soldiers, and enslave them instead.

Zaku's avatar

I would abolish the entire insurance industry, and phase out everything involving compound interest – so, lots of banking & credit card profiteering.

I’d also abolish many types of lawsuits, such as most medical malpractice, and other improper liability lawsuits (e.g. where people who have avoidable accidents are suing for massive damages from people who have a something like a bumpy sidewalk or no handrail somewhere).

And yes, it’d be great to abolish a lot of the military-industrial complex, or at least the most wasteful and preposterous parts of their spending.

jca2's avatar

CEOs salaries would not be millions and millions of dollars, while companies are looking for bailouts from the government.

Congress and other politicians will not have lifetime pensions and insurance just for serving a few years as an elected official.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Reduce the value of entertainment celebrities. All kinds. Put the funds into improving infrastructure and reducing criminal recidivism.

If a judge and/or attorney allow an arrested individual to go free, even temporarily, they should be forced to take that person’s case and work for free if that person shows up in court again.

Imagine you have a flat tire and have it repaired at a tire shop. If that tire loses air again, clearly the shop did not do the job correctly and will most certainly allow you to return to have it fixed at no charge. We should hold our court system to the same “rigorous” standard.
It is inexcusable that we have alleged criminals arrested multiple times while they are awaiting court dates for previous offenses.

smudges's avatar

Grossly reduced pay for all pro athletes! It’s out of control and ridiculous; salaries keep climbing because ultimately we’ll pay it. Most of the players are shits who should be arrested for half the things they do. The days of admiring and respecting athletes are gone. Most just care about their latest sign-on bonus or what company they can represent to make more money. Meanwhile, they’re blithely going about beating their significant others, doing drugs, driving at the very least recklessly, using guns, making inside deals, etc. I have no use for any of them.

NoMore's avatar

Agree with @smudges but I would extend that to the movie industry as well. Never understood all of the celeb worship in society.

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