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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What weird things do you do to escape the heat?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25059points) May 7th, 2023

I take a cold bath, but after a bit I turn on the hot water. I don’t know why I don’t just take a quick cold shower.

What weird things do you do?

Humor welcome.

The news say to drink hot tea, and not ice cream, to cool off

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10 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

I bought a mobile Air conditioner some years back, a Delonghi Pinguino.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Nothing, I enjoy the warmth. If anything, I will turn on a fan.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I do nothing also. I’m ok in the heat

kritiper's avatar

I soak a t-shirt in warm water then put it on. It doesn’t stay warm long! But it helps when it’s being put on…

JLeslie's avatar

I call bullshit on the hot drinks. I’ve heard that advice before and I think it’s ridiculous.

Jump in the pool, cool shower or bath, go into an air conditioned place, cool compress. Mostly, I do nothing except try to stay hydrated. I’m in the heat all of the time. If I’m outside I do my best to stay out of direct sunlight if I’m sitting still.

jca2's avatar

I get in the shower with it on hot and then I lower the heat to medium, and then lower it to cold. That’s pretty refreshing.

I live on a lake but I rarely go in it. I lay on the deck under the umbrella, unless it’s too hot in which case I stay in the house with the AC on.

flutherother's avatar

It got unusually warm here last summer and as an experiment I tried sitting with my bare feet in a basin of cold water. It did work to some extent in keeping me cool.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Cold showers or hose off. I also use fans and ceiling fans. I grew up without air co, so I tend to enjoy the heat.

raum's avatar

Obviously cool showers. But also, throughout the day, I like to wash my hands and feet. It helps cool down the rest of me for some reason.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

Well, with my health issues, I don’t do well in the heat at all. And in my neck of the woods, we get a lot of humidity in the summer too, and between the heat and humidity, it really does me in. So I stay indoors as much as possible. During the worst days, I’ll use Instacart before I go out to buy groceries. Of course I still go to work but that’s only a short walk out to my car and a short walk from the parking lot into the building.

I’m not a hot tea drinker so I wouldn’t try that either way, but there is something to be said about perspective and relativity. I know when I was living at my parents house taking care of my mom, they had central air but it didn’t work the greatest. That was mainly due to the fact that it was a 50-year-old house that needed a lot of work done as far as insulation. But all you had to do was go outside and get the mail and then come back in, and all of a sudden it felt much cooler.

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