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Has your dog ever gotten help for you?
I developed neuropathy in my feet a couple years ago and it’s gotten increasingly worse. When I walk I have to have something to grab on to close by, and falling is a big risk for me.
Yesterday I made it to the bedroom and there is a stretch of about 10 feet I have to navigate with nothing but air around me.
Normally I do OK, but yesterday I fell on my butt.
I started scooting to the chair that was my destination when suddenly Rick was behind me.
Now he spends all day, every day, oblivious on his laptop in the dining room. Can’t see the bedroom from the dining room.
Anyway, he said “Need some help?”
So I got back in my chair and looked at him curiously.
“Cato told me,” he said.
I guess when I fell he ran to Rick and pitched a fit until he investigated!
Good Boi!
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