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Patty_Melt's avatar

If aliens descended from space, and were not unfriendly, would you befriend any?

Asked by Patty_Melt (17521points) May 10th, 2023

My question extends to a more personal level.
Would you consider mating with an alien species, and what specifics would shape your choice?
Also, since they almost certainly would be quite different from us, describe at least one feature you would like them to have, if you did hook up.

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23 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

My what strange fantasies you have.

As for befriending them sure the things we could learn, as for mating with them I will take a strong pass.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I would be excited to befriend an alien from space. I would have many questions related to mating. More than I want to go into here. I would hope they would understand the concept of love. I am not interested in romantic love. I mean love of living things.

elbanditoroso's avatar

If we could understand each other in some way, then sure, why not?

As for mating – the question would be: does the female alien have the right receptacle for my human magic wand?

LifeQuestioner's avatar

Friends? Sure! Mating? I feel a lot more iffy about that. And I think it would help if they had some sort of facial features that we could relate to. Hopefully that would help with the communication piece so that we could better understand how we each were feeling.

Zaku's avatar

I doubt mating would be an option, but friendship, maybe. I’d want to know more . . .

As mentioned in another question last night, I do have a recurring fantasy about making friends with space aliens . . . but it involves them looking to me for advice on how to help deal with humans messing up our planet.

flutherother's avatar

Unlikely, but I’m not ruling anything out just because its got tentacles.

kritiper's avatar

Yes. Especially if she looked like Taylor Swift.

Caravanfan's avatar

You mean like Ragingloli?

Patty_Melt's avatar

I specified not unfriendly.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Definately friends if they’re interesting.

Forever_Free's avatar

No. Only the ones that come from middle earth are worth anything.

smudges's avatar

I’d certainly consider friendship. Too many variables to guess about mating. Remember Cocoon? ...where she used her mind to have sex and those strobe lights were bouncing all over and then concentrated and flew into the guy’s brain? That was so cool. Would love to try that.

Acrylic's avatar

Mating? No, gross. Befriending? Likely not. Besides, they probably can’t speak English so communication would be next to impossible. I’ll say a prayer for them, but that’s it.

gorillapaws's avatar

Sure. Less enthused about mating, but maybe if they basically looked like human females and I wasn’t married? I’m not trying to engage in coitus with a space slug, no matter how well we get along and laugh about “The Explorers” together.

gondwanalon's avatar

I’m pretty sure that Trump is a space alien. Oh and Mark Zuckerberg, Elizabeth Homes, Bill Gates and Rudy Giuliani.

Zaku's avatar

There’s a good funny perspective on this in Galaxy Quest, too, which I found is well worth a re-watch.

NoMore's avatar

Mating absolutely not. Befriending yes. If it meets me half way.

LuckyGuy's avatar

There are 2 parts to this question. I would absolutely be open and friendly. I’d have so many questions!
As to the mating part or your question. Well… The Green Girl alien certainly pushes many of my buttons. Not all buttons need to be pushed to achieve success.

jca2's avatar

If they were friendly, I would not be unfriendly to them but I would definitely be leery that they want to obtain information about us, perhaps with the intention of conquering us at a later time. I wouldn’t be quick to take them in and become best buds with them.

tinyfaery's avatar

Of course, as a friend or a lover. I think it would be cool if they were hermaphroditic with all the secondary sex parts that we have. I mean I’m bisexual, so…

Patty_Melt's avatar

I’m not bi, but herm intrigues me. I would maybe consider something there, or at LEAST have a conversation to see if it might work for me; and them.

With an alien from another world, I think I would take the same approach.

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