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janbb's avatar

Is allergy season driving anyone else bonkers this year?

Asked by janbb (63391points) May 11th, 2023

As asked.

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10 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Already went through that, ended up with bronchitis and 10 days of antibiotics.

LadyMarissa's avatar

This has been an awful year for me!!! I’ve been buying Kleenex by the case. I don’t go to the dr for much, but I’ve had several visits this year.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Why are you northeasterners whining?

We in the south have had pollen for 5–6 weeks now, and it’s because of the cycle of rain then dry then rain then dry, which just encourages trees and weeds to grow.

You northerners just started getting pollen and are suffering. Think of those of us who have been sneezing for months.

Kropotkin's avatar

No. I only get it around June/July.

It’s still May.

JLeslie's avatar

Not me, but I don’t get outdoor allergies in any sort of significant way.

I do have some friends suffering, but no one saying it’s worse than usual. Might depend which state.

There are plenty of colds and sinus infections flying around too.

@Tropical_Willie That sounds like the bacterial infection that was circulating. I knew a lot of people who had it.

filmfann's avatar

Oh yeah! At least my sinuses haven’t been bleeding, which they usually do this time of year.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

My lungs are prone to infections @JLeslie; for the last 60 years, post nasal drip and it goes in my lungs . . . .

seawulf575's avatar

My wife suffers pretty much year around. I used to have allergies and didn’t like them so I got rid of them.

JLeslie's avatar

@Tropical_Willie My dad says the same, and two of my girlfriends. I know it’s a real thing. My dad the last time he was dismissing his drip, congestion, and cough I told my mom to stay away from him. They both said it was his typical sinus mess. She caught it, they finally tested, and it was covid. I believe you are more susceptible to getting sick because of your pre-existing condition, but its still catching viruses and bacterial infections going around.

One of my friends similar story, then she gave it to her husband, not covid this time. Actually a lot of people on the cruise ship caught it, hers became severe and she wound up needing oxygen at home, antibiotics. Her husband was not very sick and better in a week.

I knew about 7 people last month, not covid, needing antibiotics for their sinus infection. A bacterial sinus infection was going around. Maybe not the case in your situation this time, but I just see it again and again that it’s actually contagious.

The allergen did not disappear in two weeks, but now you aren’t getting sick from it? Outdoor allergens from bloom usually last for 4–8 weeks.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Please install a MERV 11 or MERV 12 air filter in your home air handler. That will capture pollen, bacteria and even some viruses. A MERV 11 costs about $11. AMERV 12 costs $18 . It’s well worth the expense.
Turn the Fan to the “On” position (from “Auto”) so it runs all the time. The fan draws very little energy. It is cheaper than Benadryl or Zyrtec.

You can buy the filters at Lowe’s or Home Depot. Look at your old filter to get the size. Typical size numbers look like: !” x 16” x 25” or 1” x 20” x 20” . They are simple to remove and install. it will take you about 2 minutes. (Maybe 1 minute.) Make sure you install it with the arrow pointing in the direction of air flow. It will be marked prominently.

Enjoy the clean air!

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