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flutherother's avatar

Have any photographs you have seen stuck in your memory?

Asked by flutherother (34967points) May 12th, 2023

That is any public photographs that have made a particular impression on you for whatever reason. Links would be appreciated.

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19 Answers

janbb's avatar

This one is iconic and packs a lot of emotional punch.

zenvelo's avatar

This one breaks my heart and makes me cry.

JLeslie's avatar

Dorothea Lange’s Pledge of Allegiance. I actually have used it for years in a presentation I do. By coincidence it’s the same photographer @janbb mentioned.

Also, WARNING the below can be triggering for some people. I won’t even link the photo I have in my mind. It is in relation to 9/11.

Photos of people falling after they jumped from the tower on 9/11 haunt me. I forget about it until someone says something to make me think of it, which luckily is very rarely. There have been efforts to remove those photos and I think most news outlets stopped showing the video.

Acrylic's avatar

Not sure how to link, but I get a kick from that photo op thing of those steel workers eating lunch on that girder like 80 stories in the air in New York City.

seawulf575's avatar

The one that keeps coming back to my mind is not a public photograph. It was one that was shown at my aunt’s funeral on the photo compilation that was playing at the viewing. The picture that keeps coming back to mind shows my aunt when she was about 18 standing with her arm around a guy. Both look very happy. But the guy was not someone I recognized. So I asked several of my older relatives who it was. No one knew. One relation recognized where the picture was taken and was on a visit with my aunt at the time. But even she didn’t know who this guy was. I’m pretty sure my aunt was cackling with delight at all the confusion she inadvertently caused. But I keep going back to it wondering who that guy was.

LadyMarissa's avatar

June 1972. I grew up in the Vietnam War era.

smudges's avatar

I have a number of them stuck in my brain – I so wish I could get rid of them. They’re all of animals in distress. I addressed it in therapy for a few years because it (the obsession) was taking over my life. They would come into my head and I usually couldn’t get rid of them for several days. I’d literally hit my head to try and distract myself. Pure torture. Luckily, I’m much better now. They still come into my head occasionally, but now I can get rid of them within 5–10 minutes.

Caravanfan's avatar

I am always drawn to this Richter at SFMOMA

KNOWITALL's avatar
It’s the hippie putting a flower in a gun photo. I always admired the conviction of the anti-war sentiment.

NoMore's avatar Bit of a long vid, but tells the story of the iconic photo of Bill Clinton shaking hands with JFK six decades ago.

janbb's avatar

@LadyMarissa I wanted to post that one as well but my Google of “naked Vietnamese girl” turned up a distressing number of links to porn!

Patty_Melt's avatar

The Times Square Kiss.
I’m techtarded, and can’t figure out how to send a link.
Also, the most famous photo of Sitting Bull.

flutherother's avatar

A very sinister picture from the Soviet Union in the 1930’s. Joseph Stalin is smoking a pipe, in the foreground his daughter sits on the lap of Lavrentiy Beria, the head of state security, responsible for the murder and imprisonment of millions.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@filmfann yes I remember that . . .

LuckyGuy's avatar

@LadyMarissa That photo came to my mind first as well. Napalm Girl (cropped)
It says so much…

canidmajor's avatar

@Patty_Melt This one?

So many of these, but especially the young Vietnamese girl that @LadyMarissa posted. I have seen interviews with her, very moving and disrpturbing.

zenvelo's avatar

The Vietnam War saw a huge amount of photo journalism, much of sparked buy use of the Nikon F camera.

Because of the nature of the war, violence was everywhere and journalists were in it as much as combatants.

Brutality imposed on freedom fighters

Patty_Melt's avatar

canidmajor, yes, that’s the one.

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