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Blackwater_Park's avatar

What can a city do to stop too many people from moving into the area?

Asked by Blackwater_Park (9342points) May 12th, 2023

This is a serious problem in some cities. Where I live droves of people are moving here. Many of them do not work and they are pricing local working families out of housing. Utilities and public services like roads are being stretched to their breaking points. They are additionally pricing normal people out of recreational activities that were once affordable. When do communities say enough is enough and what can they do to stop the trend?

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14 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

You can shutdown developing water and sewers !

Run out of water and sewer, that is what happened in 1960s in Denver Colorado.

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rebbel's avatar

How can they afford housing while without jobs?

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@rebbel They’re retired or relatively wealthy in larger numbers compared to the local demographic.

seawulf575's avatar

The problem is the zoning and development commission in your area. They are supposed to have a controlled plan and vision of what the city should look like and be most prosperous. Unfortunately (and this is my opinion) most of these are somewhat on the take. They sell out to developers that want to put in more and more housing units. That brings a whole lot more people to the area but doesn’t address traffic patterns, schools, sewers, road upkeep or anything.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Blackwater_Park I’m curious about the numbers. What’s the population growth percentage for your state/city?

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@KNOWITALL 3% a year or so for the last 30 years. Then an explosion after COVID-19. Not sure about those numbers

Zaku's avatar

The new people “are pricing people out” of things?

You mean, the “free market” is responding to new wealthy people, by raising prices on things?

If so, that sounds to me like a different and much larger problem with the way companies behave in our economy/society.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@Zaku Housing mainly, even if you can pay the grotesquely inflated prices decent houses just can’t be had. When one goes on the market they’re sold in minutes and usually to insiders. Then there are other things like the lakes are overcrowded to the point it’s not safe and also stressed from overfishing. You used to be able to just go rent a boat slip but now there is a five year wait list. Then the traffic snarls everywhere, you can’t get into restaurants anywhere, schools are overcrowded and at their breaking points etc etc.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I don’t get it. The people who are moving in aren’t working, or so you say. So are you saying that they are independently wealthy? Or retirees? Or what? Or are they freeloaders?

Please clarify.

But in general, the government cannot restrict who moves in one place or another. That’s called redlining, and that is highly illegal. You can’t say “no rich whites can live here”.

The whole concept of gentrification has been around for decades, and there’s no legal way to stop it. You know, democracy and capitalism and stuff like that.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@elbanditoroso I mentioned above, yes retirees and more wealthy individuals.

RocketGuy's avatar

As @seawulf575 stated, housing controlled by zoning. If the city doesn’t allow additional construction, then housing can’t be built. As far as pricing, that’s capitalism. It sucks for consumers when home sellers, landlords, stores, gas stations raise prices to what the market can bear. But that is the American way.

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