Meta Question

Mimishu1995's avatar

Why are there so few questions today?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23812points) May 17th, 2023

I just checked Fluther and there is now only one question crafted today. That is the fewest I’ve seen in a while.

Is there some big holiday in the US right now that makes everyone too busy for Fluther?

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14 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

It’s been slow for a bit. There are fewer of us. Maybe we’re out of questions. Haha! There’s no holiday in the US until Monday, May 29.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake oh ok. I was busy with work for a while too. Maybe I can help thinking more questions :)

LadyMarissa's avatar

It has been slow for the last week or so. I’ve also noticed that Wednesdays are normally slower than other days. I had meant to ask several Qs today but I always seemed to get interrupted & by the time I got on here, I had forgotten what I was going to ask. That tells me that it wasn’t very important to me!!!

MrGrimm888's avatar

Someone is hunting us down. One, by one…......

Mimishu1995's avatar

@MrGrimm888 man. I need to dust up my submachine gun. I have to protect Fluther!

Love_my_doggie's avatar

We know so much, after all this time at Fluther, there are no more unanswered questions to ask.

(Although, my life won’t be complete until somebody solves the mystery of D.B. Cooper.)

jca2's avatar

A few weeks ago, I asked something similar because about 14 hours went by with no new notifications to my feed, and I was thinking there was something broken. Here’s the q:

LadyMarissa's avatar

@Love_my_doggie Be prepared to leave here incomplete!!! I’ve been researching DB for most of my life & it’s a dead end no matter which way I go. Now authorities are claiming that they know who he was, but he has died. I don’t doubt that he’s dead, but the person they chose can’t even defend his name & I have major doubts that he’s the one!!!

kritiper's avatar

In time, all questions will be asked. May we have run the gauntlet.

janbb's avatar

Some of us are trying here today (and perhaps even a little trying!)

Jeruba's avatar

There is no such thing as running out of questions. Every answer leads to another question. Questions are a life force.

@kritiper, I think you might have meant “run the gamut.” Running the gauntlet is an old form of severe bodily punishment. Oddly enough, I looked them both up last night.

jca2's avatar

There will always be new topics, current events, new crimes, new politics, new situations as culture changes, as technology changes, new celebrities, new etiquette (for example, tipping and how it’s evolved through the pandemic and with technological changes such as delivery apps). I don’t think there will ever be an end in sight as far as new question possibilities.

kritiper's avatar

I used a bit of poetic license here.
(Gamut: range, scale, scope, sweep, extent, series, spectrum.
Gauntlet: test, trial, ordeal, challenge, onslaught.)

cookieman's avatar

I’m much more an answerer than an asker, but I’ve been super busy the past few months and thus much less active here. I’m sorry my fellow Jellies.

I should be more active through the summer, now that the semester has just ended.

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