Do you like the heat?
Although the heat can be annoying, I actually revel in it. I get to use the air con and ice cream which are my favorite things, and I can show off my latest summer fashion, because a lot of my favorite clothes are for the summer.
How about you?
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23 Answers
I don’t mind warm days. Oppressive, dangerously hot days (which are coming here,) I don’t care for…
I sure like the thought of you celebrating your heat with such multifaceted enjoyment.
Is there a place where you like to go in the water, or are you tired of swimming since you swam the length of the Mekong? ;)
I revel in it, too. Nature is so beautiful, everything green and growing. Most peoplecare happier in sunlight and they get more exercise.
You swam the Mekong?!
@Incoherency_ I swam the length of the Mekong and I will do it again and again!
When I have enough motivation ~
I tolerate the heat OK. I don’t enjoy it. I spend a lot of time outside canoe padding, walking, jogging everyday plus I’m frequently in our large yard doing yard work.
The heat is particularly difficult for me because I have skin problems. I’ve been diagnosed with melanoma moles and other skin abnormalities (actinic keratosis, basal skin cell carcinoma). Therefore I don’t expose my skin to the Sun’s harmful rays by always wearing long sleeve shirts and long pants/tights shoes, broad hat and gloves. Of course my face is alway white with sunscreen.
Dermatologists have been slicing and dicing on my skin since I was a kid. My uncle was frequently outside BBQing with no shirt on and he died from melanoma cancer.
I prefer heat to cold!!! For me…ideal is 72–80. As I’ve gotten older, I’m finding it more difficult to handle the extreme heat that we’ve been having over the last several years. Where I live, humidity is more of the problem than the heat. Sadly, as the temp goes up so does the humidity. I can handle 98° with 50% humidity much better than 88° with 98% humidity. Cold weather hurts my bones!!!
30 Centigrade or 86 Fahrenheit is fine, 40 Centigrade or 104 Fahrenheit not so much.
If I’m relaxing on the deck under the umbrella, with cool breezes from the lake, the ideal temperature for me would be between 75 and 80. Anything hotter than 85 is too hot.
If’ I’m out and about, running errands, I don’t mind if it’s 85 but anything hotter is too hot. I don’t like humidity. Right now in NY, it’s crisp and dry which is perfect. July and August will be hot and humid. Hot here is 90 to 100 and humid.
It depends on the details of the weather and situation. Being trapped in too much heat and/or humidity with insufficient shade, wind, ventilation, water, sunscreen, or whatever, is one of my least favorite things. But I love it when it’s nice and there are enough of those things that I can enjoy it.
As a result of my long-COVID, I don’t regulate my temperature well. So being in either cold or hot weather is very difficult for me. I feel very shaky (like mild tremors), dizzy, like everything is spinning, and just generally unwell when in hot environments. I also don’t sweat anymore… I don’t really know what the implications for that are in hot weather, but it may be a factor.
Yes, I do like the heat. Even more than liking the heat I hate being cold. Especially, I hate being cold inside my house or while trying to sleep. If a friend keeps their house freezing cold I will probably book a hotel when visiting.
At the same time, too hot for too long can be uncomfortable and dangerous, so like anything, extremes aren’t good. I live in a hot weather subtropical place, and I am very happy about it. Previously, I lived more south in my state, which is a little hotter, and would be classified as tropical. I would not want to live where temps get up to 110 Fahrenheit though. We basically never hit 100 here. 90’s during the day are common in the summer months though.
No. Since I work outside, 65 degrees is quite nice.
When I’m home, if it’s cold, I just want to lay under the blankets. I’m not very productive.
I ditto @LadyMarissa entirely! I lived near Solvang, CA for 1½ years and loved the weather. I didn’t perspire until it got to 90 or more due to the lack of humidity and the breeze. Fall temps are ideal for me. Heat and humidity make my legs swell. :(
Seriously @Mimishu1995? You swam 2,700 miles?? Or is someone pulling my leg? I am somewhat gullible.
@smudges She put the sarcasm mark after the second sentence.
I like the upper 60’s because I don’t get too hot when walking or cycling. The air feels more pleasant to me when it has a little coolness to it.
I don’t like heat or cold. I prefer 20–22 Celsius.
I tolerate it like Mimi tolerated the Mekong.
70s to 80s sun weather is nice. But no, I don’t like hot hot severe heat. I enjoy a normal Washington summer.
@jca2 Right, but I thought the sarcasm mark was referring to her motivation – as in, “I’ll never be that motivated again!” ¯\(ツ)/¯ Oh well. ;)
Not one, single iota. In fact, I despise it with every fiber of my being.
I do not. I live in a part of the world that gets very humid along with the heat and now, with my health issues, it can really be debilitating. I literally go from my apartment to my car, from my car into my workplace, and then in reverse after work. I tend to get groceries delivered in the summer and go out as little as possible. It’s just a horrible time of year for me, with the only redeeming qualities being a slight slow down at work, baseball, and thunderstorms.
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