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SQUEEKY2's avatar

If people think Biden is getting too old for office, can't the same be said for Trump?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23566points) May 19th, 2023

Trump is only a few years behind Biden, and lately Trump sounds like he is getting the early signs of dementia.

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6 Answers

jca2's avatar

I’ve said on here before, can’t we find new people that are younger and more vital? With all the politicians in the country, aren’t there new Dems and Republicans who are good candidates, and maybe in their 50s or 60s? Even early 70s would be ok but not almost hitting 80.

flutherother's avatar

I am not kind enough to ever say Trump is too old for office. He has never been fit for office since the day he was born.

filmfann's avatar

We all age differently, and Joe isn’t as sharp as he used to be, but he brings with him his values and his people, which are far superior to Trump.
Trump is also old. He isn’t suffering as badly from it as Joe, but he doesn’t as much to lose.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I think the cheeseburgers and 16 bottles of Diet Coke a day are taking a toll on the TRUMP !

LadyMarissa's avatar

Think back to Reagan, he wasn’t as old as Biden, but he couldn’t form a sentence. Nancy stood behind him telling him what to say & he parroted it on air. He had a competent staff supporting him & we survived with little more than a scratch.

If you look at many of the recent pics of old 45, his eyes are showing signs of Parkinson. His body is beginning to look a lot like Robin Williams near the end of his life & he had Lewy Body Dementia. So, I wouldn’t rule it out!!! This could explain some of the paranoia that old 45 exhibits frequently. He also does NOT have a competent staff backing him up.

I would prefer that Biden be a bit younger; however, he isn’t & I can deal with NOT having old 45 in office!!!

Kropotkin's avatar

No. I think the more addled the President, the better.

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