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jca2's avatar

Does the DeSantis fight with Disney make any sense?

Asked by jca2 (17165points) May 19th, 2023

There’s no denying that Disney is one of the biggest employers, if not the biggest employer, in the state of Florida. They also bring in lots and lots of revenue in the form of taxes and tourists, and sales of everything Disney related.

Does the fight that Florida’s governor is having with them make any sense to you, other than a pissing contest/power play?

I thought Republicans were in favor of business, and getting out of the way of business, not impeding it.

Is the fight with Disney hurting DeSantis’ chance of winning the Republican endorsement for the US Presidency? Is he showing himself to be small minded and stubborn, or is he showing strength by standing up to a huge corporation?

I was just discussing it with a Republican friend who believes Disney is the antichrist that needs to be reigned in (figuratively, not literally). That Disney thinks it can do what it wants and needs more regulation. That’s what brings me to ask this question.

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7 Answers

Lightlyseared's avatar

Yes. DeSantis is ultra conservative borderline fascist theocrat while the Disney corp is very centrist and inclusive and it’s presence in Florida is an embarrassment to any right thinking Florida man.

elbanditoroso's avatar

It make sense if you are a populist politician who craves attention and wants to make headlines to raise his supposed stature.

It does not make sense if you are a governor trying to enhance the reputation and economy of your state.

Desantis is playing a very short-sighted game; he might get Florida to back him, but the rest of the country thinks he is a blithering idiot.

janbb's avatar

it doesn’t make sense. He is on a power trip and I hope it ends soon. I am kind of shocked that so many Floridians go along with this nonsense that is hurting their state.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He is jealous of Mickey’s “manly hood” !

@janbb most of Desantis’ followers may not be able to pass end of year test for a fourth grader.

janbb's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Yes, but there are other cohorts in Florida; liberal New York transplants and suchlike.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Desantis is deaf to the centrists and only hears the fascist cheers.

Cupcake's avatar

DeSantis doesn’t care about FL at all. He barely even claims that he’s from FL, as he stated in his book: “I was geographically raised in Tampa Bay, but culturally my upbringing reflected the working-class communities in western Pennsylvania and northeast Ohio — from weekly church attendance to the expectation that one would earn his keep. This made me God-fearing, hard-working and America-loving.”

Mindboggling. As thought the people of FL aren’t working class, church-going, God-fearing, hard-working, and America-loving?

I don’t understand how any Floridian, let alone anyone generally, can support him.

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