What seldom-seen creatures or other beings, would you like to see featured in fantasy, horror, or science fiction stories?
E.g., I think the only story I’ve seen featuring a succubus, was an episode of Charmed or Koljerk: The Night Stalker.
What types of beings or characters do you think are played out?
Although I still enjoy stories featuring them if they have a compelling twist or shocking portrayal, I’ve seen enough vampire tales to last me for quite awhile.
The exception for me, was the astoundingly gruesome dirt-napper in Stevie King’s “Night Flyer”.
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8 Answers
Dragons were prominent in Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Game Of Thrones, The Witcher, etc. Very exciting to see, but at this point we aren’t seeing anything new.
I want really good if not great vampire movies twice a year. Same as werewolves. Has not happened yet since I started getting hooked on movies in the 80s.
More manticores, please. Not enough sphynxes or hydras.
Actually, what I’d really like, are more thoughtful and interestingly written and choreographed fantasy/horror/SF fiction. Too much of it tends to be so thoughtless and uninspired, that this question mainly made me think of not wanting more disappointing fiction.
The Ii. (Pronounced “eye-eye.) It is said that if you possess the middle finger of the Ii, you possess strange magical powers. If you take the middle finger from a live animal, OH MAN! Do you possess some strange magical powers!!!
I’d like to see the world plagued by killer Duck-Billed Platypuses
I think the time is ripe for a horror story to be written around a super intelligent AI.
Big Foots, Yetis, Sasquatches and their ilk.
The scrat sabertooth squirrel.
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