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LostInParadise's avatar

For those of you living in the north, have you noticed a lot of cardinals this year?

Asked by LostInParadise (32310points) May 20th, 2023

Cardinals have never been uncommon where I live, but in the past, they were definitely fewer in number than birds in shades of gray and brown, especially considering how easy they are to spot. Cardinals are not migratory, so global warming may be a factor. In a way it is disappointing. It was nice to be taken by surprise by a sudden flash of red flying by.

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6 Answers

janbb's avatar

Not more than usual actually.

canidmajor's avatar

Also not more than usual, but I have a nice throuple that lives in my small yard, and it is always a joy to see them.

Acrylic's avatar

Yes, several more hanging at my bird feeder than years before.

Forever_Free's avatar

Nothing more than the normal. Same with the orioles.
It’s a good bird year so far.

JLeslie's avatar

I’m in Florida and I have seen a lot of cardinals in my backyard this year. We always have some, but practically every time that I’ve been on my back patio in the last month I see one. I’m out there almost daily.

Forever_Free's avatar

OMG, This is a question every year in every area of the country. We are being taken over by Cardinals!!!!

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