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LostInParadise's avatar

What are your thoughts on the debt level dispute between Democrats and Republicans?

Asked by LostInParadise (32309points) May 21st, 2023

There seems to be a general consensus that an agreement will be reached. The stock market so far has not been affected.

I think it depends on who the general public would blame for not being able to make debt payments and for the resulting recession. I have my own opinion on where the blame would lie, but what matters is not what I think, but what the country as a whole would think.

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11 Answers

kritiper's avatar

It doesn’t look as though anything will get done until the Republicans signal that they’re ready and willing to compromise.

Zaku's avatar

The GOP is repeating their nasty foolish tactic of trying to hold the Democrats hostage with the notion that the nation might default on its debts, hoping to scare the Democrats into caving to the GOP’s agenda. Only this year, the extra-crazy-and-extra-dumb part of the GOP, is also trying to hold the not-quite-as-crazy part of the GOP hostage in a similar way.

They’re also trying to twist the narrative to try to put as much blame on the Democrats as possible, as usual.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The GOP has a very short memory, Trump and the GOP ran up the bills that have to be paid and caused the the current crises.
GOP terms will take away benefits for the poor, retired and ill.

They may ask for another reduction of taxes for businesses and the ultra-rich !

filmfann's avatar

Go to a restaurant and order dinner. Eat it all.
When the bill comes, tell the Manager you think it is too much, and ask them to lower the prices you are asked to pay. Also, you want smaller prices whenever you come back.

It is outrageous. The time to bicker over the costs is when you approve the individual bills, not when the check comes. They approved all these projects and payments, and now they are trying to dine and dash.

smudges's avatar

GOP terms will take away benefits for the poor, retired and ill.

And yet we’ll give Billions to countries to help fight wars, in aid to countries, to help people coming across our borders, and the list goes on. But heaven forbid we should ask to keep our programs in place to help our poor, elderly, and hungry.

seawulf575's avatar

I think the general public is getting tired of the runaway spending from DC. We all see ridiculous spending coming out of DC with no intention of ever being fiscally responsible. Laying blame is an idiotic exercise…they are all guilty. They need to figure out how to spend less than they are bringing in so we can start paying off debt. That doesn’t happen.

zenvelo's avatar

Two huge chunks of debt are at the GOP’s feet: Trillions for GH Bush’s war in Iraq, and Trump’s tax cuts for the wealthy.

The GOP won’t revert to the 2016 budget and tax levels; that would solve much o the debt crisis.

gorillapaws's avatar

There’s no dispute. This is theatre, a show, like professional wrestling with a complicit corporate media and it’s how the oligarchy gets what they want. Neither party is actually fighting for the electorate. Both sides have already been told what will pass by the donors.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It’s yet another variable that galvanizes my opinions on the US government. A total crock of shit. Insult to injury, is the SNAFU…
It never ceases to amaze me, how pathetic and hypocritical the government is.

It seems normal that the country will essentially shut down, or run out of money due to incompetence, lack of organization, and political horseshit a couple times a year.
If a McDonald’s had the same record of success, all the employees would be fired and replaced.

So. Here we are AGAIN…
We watch these idiots get paid to do just enough to be the lesser of evils they run against each cycle. The rest of us, IRL, have to actually achieve success to keep our jobs.

We also have the pleasure of watching these hypocrites break all kinds of laws, contribute to corruption, and typically receive little or no punishment.
The rest of us, IRL, have to be held accountable for our actions, and abide by the laws of our nation, or face ruin…

While many Americans are deciding whether to pay bills, or eat, or buy necessary medications, our government representatives have blank checks.

I wish so very badly that when things like this happen, heads would roll in D.C. Pffftt… Never going to happen…
I’d like to see these idiots being led into court in restraints, and then back to jail cells after proceedings, like so many Americans that can’t afford bail/bond. Let them watch their lives dissolve as the judicial “process” unfolds. That way, guilty or not, their lives are ruined by the system’s lack of compromise or compassion…

So here we are. AGAIN…

I’m sure if people just keep voting (playing this ridiculous game,) everything will just change so basic parts of the government will function.~

@smudges . You know, that type of thinking will be frowned on. But. You’re absolutely right. It seems weird, but Americans are made to feel guilty about wanting to take care of our own first…
Worldwide aid is vital for the US though. It ensures that we can have military operations based in/from other countries. Ensures we can fly bombers over wherever we want. Ensures that that global power that in addition to our support keeps those in Washington’s pockets full, and gives them all stability.

I’m especially excited that every time there are problems like this, every moving part in D.C. gets paid more. More money for more in person meetings. Meetings that in many cases wouldn’t be necessary if the lazy, entitled bastards did there jobs in the first place…
Whenever we see these idiots commenting on the steps of a government building, remember all the money it took just to move those people around, keep them fed, safe, and in luxury while they drag their feet…

My thoughts on the debt? Everyone in Washington should have all their possessions repossessed and their wages garnished until the financial obligations of the country have been sufficiently met.

The American public has paid their taxes (most of us.) It’s not our fault the government can’t manage the money.
No more than I can punish my employers, if I can’t pay my bills…

People of America, we’ve been had!...

smudges's avatar

^^ You know, that type of thinking will be frowned on.

I knew that when I wrote it and thought about adding a caveat, but what the hell, it’s how I feel. I might not be so ‘selfish’ if they weren’t taking away from Americans. If it’s that easy to give away 10 Billion in war efforts or aid, they should throw a couple Billion our way. There are so many categories that need it.

You do make some good points, and I would have no problem with giving away our money if they stopped doing away with programs, or threatening to and scaring people who are helpless to do anything about it. I see more and more elderly people working just to make ends meet (not for luxuries!) when they should be enjoying those years of their lives.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Not just older people. Way too many Americans have to work more than one full-time job, just to pay the bills…

Many of the least lucrative careers are the most important to society. Firemen(firepeople?,) Law Enforcement, EMTs, teachers etc…

Our military is supposed to be taken care of, but that’s not really happening with sustained success…

There are FAR too many “working poor.”..

Part of the debt problem is the tax manipulation by the rich, and wealthy.
My uncle isn’t very rich. He owns a small factory in Michigan. But. He doesn’t have to spend a lot of his earnings. He gets two new leased vehicles every year or so. “Corporate spending needs.” Lots of things that are tax deductible.
He gets free cars because the government considers them essential for his business. Most damn people have vehicles that are essential to their keeping a job. They don’t get to wrote their cars off…
The rich just get richer in this country, because they get to keep their money. Then they get upset when people want them to pay higher taxes…

I’ve said it before, the rich need the poor. The poor have no use for the rich…

The problems with the US government are systematic, and no part of the government functions with aplomb…
Improvements are rare, and never permanent…

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