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luigirovatti's avatar

What are your thoughts on my theory about how the UFO phenomenon might change our lives?

Asked by luigirovatti (3026points) May 23rd, 2023

Basically, I think the UFO phenomenon turns us like characters in movies and TV shows. If you think about it, movies, tv shows, books, they all have characters who don’t waste any energy, they’re functional, they do exactly what it’s necessary for them to do in the story. They conduct a lifestyle so different from our own even in our private life. Even if we read a book that’s not good, we get all the basics in there.
For example, you talk in a movie with someone, you argue, the other says something meaningful, walks off, you think about what he says for several seconds, you twist your hesd, flex your shoulders, you look at the camera (empty space) before you, then another walks in right on time, and you have ANOTHER meaningful conversation, and you decide something. This is pretty sure a masterlife, guaranteed.
I think the UFO phenomenon is really the drive engine behind our story, and I assure you, that, when the time comes for us to be contacted by them, whatever they are, to advance the story, they will. Now, there are downsides here as well. Let’s start first with the upsides. Of course we could face monsters, pirates, fairies, etc. Have an extraordinary life. The downside is, not all the characters will live. Not in every story anyway.
Circumstantial evidence is the UFO are an individual experience. Each of us witness contact and/or abduction in a different way.
I have a theory about the abductees too though so I’ll pick it up in a minute. Also, the UFOs in the 1800s were mystery airships which seemed to have technology not possible at that age. Now, it’s flying saucers. Turn a right angle at full speed, for example.
Now, the abductees, for whatever reason, I think they’re dealt with directly. My opinion is they went off script. Or, like in inkheart, came out of their stories. So, they’re punishing them. Another hypothesis is, they wanted to know who was the puppetmaster, so they maybe glimpsed something. And they’re put back on course. Maybe the greys are angry because it cost them a human lifetime. The evidence (circumstantial) about the inkheart theory is they aren’t viewed as an enemy by their abductees after repeated abductions. And this runs in family. Because the families represent whatever characters of the same story as the original one (whoever he may be) that exited as well. I mean, I think it deserves serious debate. Oh, I forgot, implants are also useful to track characters on the story in question.

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