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jca2's avatar

In the shower or bath, do you use bar soap or liquid soap?

Asked by jca2 (17251points) May 23rd, 2023

In the shower or when taking a bath, do you use bar soap or liquid soap?

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23 Answers

Acrylic's avatar

Bar on body, liquid on hair.

jca2's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I’m just curious about people’s habits. If you don’t like the question, you are free not to answer.

JLeslie's avatar

Liquid. I used bar when I was younger. I switched in my 20’s.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Bar for body, liquid for shampoo. . . !

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I use a bar of soap on my body, but I use a body wash for shaving my legs. I’m trying to figure out from other people answering on here if they’re just using liquid soap for shampoo, or if they mean that they’re using a shampoo to wash your hair. Because I’m not sure using liquid soap that is not shampoo is the best choice, but what do I know?

elbanditoroso's avatar

Bar soap. I hate liquid soap – especially at hotels.

Liquid shampoos of course.

JLeslie's avatar

Side note: I actually had bar shampoo for travel at one point.

smudges's avatar

Shampoo on hair. Vanicream bar soap twice daily on face; usually Dove bar in shower. Just started using Vanicream a few weeks ago. I hate liquid cleanser because I haven’t found one that doesn’t take forEVER to rinse off! Hated using bar soap on my face because of all the junk in it. Vanicream is free of dyes, fragrance, masking fragrance, lanolin, parabens and formaldehyde releasers. I know…simple question, complicated answer. At this late age I’m trying to take better care of my skin.

JLeslie's avatar

@smudges Maybe you have very soft water. That’s maybe why the soap feels difficult to wash off.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Bar soap/washcloth and body wash/scrubby. I use shampoo and condioner for hair.

SnipSnip's avatar

I use Kirks or Dr. Bronners bar soap for everything.

NoMore's avatar

Whatever comes to hand.

Zaku's avatar

Almost always liquid.

smudges's avatar

@JLeslie I’m pretty sure it’s hard water – I know it leaves iron coloring in the tub under the faucet and there’s calcium in it also. I left a comment with the makers of one face wash (Paula’s Choice) about it being hard to rinse off and there were quite a few other compaints about it, too. I finally quit looking.

nightwolf5's avatar

I’ll use both, but prefer liquid soap.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@smudges….hard water would have to do with your water supply, not your faucets.

smudges's avatar

^^ Yes, but the water comes out of the faucets, hence the stain…over time.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Check with your water provider. We had to install a water softener.

smudges's avatar

I’m in an apartment and doubt they would approve it. :(

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