Social Question

canidmajor's avatar

It’s Memorial Day Weekend here in the US. Any plans for the long weekend?

Asked by canidmajor (21766points) May 26th, 2023

We’re supposed to have glorious weather where I live, and I am sure my little coastal town will fill up its celebrators by early afternoon. I plan to plant things and do some yard work and enjoy my deck and my quiet little neighborhood.
I’ll probably have a hot dog on Monday as a nod to cultural traditions.

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13 Answers

chyna's avatar

I plan on taking all next week off and will be staining my fence. We are supposed to have good weather also, except for maybe some rain on Sunday, but that won’t matter. I can find plenty inside to do. Or do nothing at all.

janbb's avatar

I have a cold but expect to be able to do some nice social things – a backyard concert tomorrow afternoon and a barbecue by a local lake on Sunday afternoon.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’m going to the theatre tonight and joining a LGBTQ walking group tomorrow morning. I don’t have other plans.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Spring cleaning, mostly. Garage and shed.

jca2's avatar

We have friends who have a second house in the mountains of PA. I’m taking two other girls tomorrow, so my daughter plus two, and we’re heading to PA for two nights. There’s a lake nearby and a pool because it’s in a big housing association, so we’ll be doing all of that. The girls will kayak. Another couple is coming, 5 adults, total plus 5 teen girls. There are lots of deer at this place, so all day the deer will come right up to the deck when you’re eating and you can throw food to them. It’s cool.

zenvelo's avatar

I started my weekend early on Wednesday to celebrate my birthday in Southern California. Today we will be exploring Long Beach, and then mid afternoon drive up to Santa Barbara for dinner and spend the night.

Tomorrow we will go to a monthly crafts and art fair in Santa Barbara, and end the afternoon going through Isla Vista to see the changes since I went to school there. Then drive home to the Bay Area. I have to pick up my daughter who is flying home Sunday morning, while my girlfriend has to work.

Acrylic's avatar

Paid day off, will read on my front stoop.

kritiper's avatar

Nothing out of the ordinary. In times past we’d go camping at my grandfather’s mining camp. Wouldn’t try it this year since they had over 200% of snow and I’d dealt with snow there before on Memorial Day weekend.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I’m at the beach.

NoMore's avatar

Just stay home and chill. Do some reading maybe.

kevbo1's avatar

We have a summer cabin that my grandparents built. Memorial Day weekend is usually the start of the season for us. Hikes/walks, hanging out by the river, board games, reading, cornhole/horseshoes, and enjoying the cooler temps.

JLeslie's avatar

The nephew of a close friend will be in town so we plan to go to breakfast or lunch tomorrow with them (their choice) and also out dancing Sunday night. None of that is special for the holiday, except the reason the nephew is coming this weekend is that it is a three day weekend.

I’ll be wearing a lot of red, white, and blue throughout the weekend too.

As far as weather, it looks like it will be pretty good.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’m not big on travelling/camping for holidays, too many people. I shopped and cleaned house Friday, yard work Saturday, family day today, grave decorating Monday. Most of us clean stones, take flowers to our loved ones, and put flads on military graves. Plus you make your yearly donation to the cemetary maintenance.

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