DeSantis says he may pardon the January 6 rioters and Trump if elected president. Does this change your vote?
Asked by
chyna (
May 26th, 2023
from iPhone
I can’t link because I am on my phone, but I see that it is news on CNBC,The Hill, The New York Post and Forbes among others.
Should he be allowed to pardon anyone that was guilty of trying to overthrow the government?
There are laws against these kinds of crimes and that would just be spitting in the face of our laws. Just how far reaching is a president’s pardons?
Isn’t he just parroting trump?
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72 Answers
Nope, will wait to hear from all sides concerning more issues before I decide for whom to cast a vote. Won’t decide on one issue alone.
I would never vote for either Trump or DeSantis so that won’t change my vote.
Nope. Will still vote for the Democrat.
No, my vote won’t change. I’d never vote for Trump, DeSantis, or any Republican.
Do I fthink that DeSantis’s comment is disgusting? Yes, and it’s the worst form of pandering.
I love how American conservatives find ever more deranged and fascistic candidates.
Just when you think no one could possibly be worse or more dangerous, out comes a lunatic who makes the last guy seem reasonable. And yes, Trump is the moderate compared to DeSantis.
One of their leaders, the founder of the so called “oath keepers”, has been convicted of seditious conspiracy, and sentenced to 18 years in prison. These are the kind of people Republicans support.
I wouldn’t vote for a Fascist (Dictator Wannabe) like Desantis !
Doesn’t change my vote, I was never voting for DeSantis.
It changes my vote from never in a million years to until hell freezes over.
Not voting for that Nazi anyway. So no.
According to NBC he says that he’s considering pardoning them. As a good republican, he won’t commit to actually doing it until he sees how it will affect the polls.
According to Florida Politics he plans om pardoning BOTH old 45 & the Jan 6 people. I’m NOT familiar with Florida Politics, so I don’t know how reliable they are. I do think that I remember that Ford pardoned Nixon after he left office. Crooks stand up for crooks.
Will it change my plans??? NOT one bit!!!
Most people on here hate Conservatives to start with so they would never vote for either. As for pardoning the J6 protesters, I would be okay with that. To start with, most if not all were not charged with any sedition charges. They guy that put his feet up on Pelosi’s desk just got sentenced to 4.5 years. A guy that tried burning down the federal courthouse in Portland OR plead guilty and got 1 year of probation. So yeah, given the precedence I’d say 4.5 years in prison is an idiotic sentence. In fact it is more than most, if not all, of the convictions on any of the riots and arson that destroyed government building as well as many, many private properties.
Hell ! Desantis would pardon Hitler TWICE for good measure !
AND ^^^^^ someone ^^^^^ would approve !
@Tropical_Willie Yes, putting your feet up on a desk is just like Hitler. Do you realize how demented you sound? And yes, you aren’t alone. There are at least 4 others that are right there with you.
No, it wouldn’t change my vote. I would not or could not vote for DeSantis or Trump.
I don’t like Biden, either, honestly, because I feel he’s too old and feeble but I am keeping my fingers crossed that he steps down for some reason (to spend more time with his family, maybe, which seems to be the common excuse for politicians) and someone else steps up for the Dems.
No. I won’t vote for a Republican, and may vote for a Democrat depending on who wins the primary, otherwise it’s going to a 3rd party. The DNC has basically been orchestrating their own (successful) Jan. 6th for the past 2 primaries and getting ready to do a third. Republicans are straight up evil, but they don’t have superdelegates and will at least let their candidates have debates (that’s not praise for the RNC, but abject condemnation for the DNC that they’ve managed to be LESS DEMOCRATIC than the goddamn Republicans).
@gorillapaws I don’t disagree with your critique of the DNC but isn’t it SOP that if the sitting President decides to run again, he or she is the candidate? I too wish we had other options although I think Biden’s administration has managed to accomplish a lot.
@janbb “I don’t disagree with your critique of the DNC but isn’t it SOP that if the sitting President decides to run again, he or she is the candidate? ”
Only if they’re running unopposed. If there are other people running against the incumbent president, then there should be a normal primary process including debates…ESPECIALLY when the current president has such historically low approval ratings. The absence of debates are all the proof you need to know that the DNC would rather have Trump or DeSantis in office than a progressive Democrat, which is why I’m willing to vote 3rd party even with so much at stake, because it keeps happening and will continue until the DNC is dealt with.
@chyna You might get a kick out of this & you may have already heard it. RD says that 45 is turning into a left winger.
^lol! No I hadn’t heard that, but thanks for my laugh of the day.
Actually, the only fun I’m having in politics right now is watching DeSantis and Trump bash each other. Going through a lot of popcorn!
I’d love to see the loooza of the MAGAt primaries run as a third party candidate, and bisect the RWNJ votes.
However, my guess is tRump will win the primaries and DeFascist will be his VP.
My guess is Desantis gets the nod from GOP and DJT runs on a third party ticket from JAIL !
Jan 6th “protestestors” my ass.
At this point there are no true conservatives left in what was the Republican party. Just con artists, and cult members, and extremists cashing in and doubling down on their delusions.
Thank you Ron DeSantis for making the coice so clear.
I curse. I curse a LOT. It’s just how I talk. However. You can yell when I am actually really upset, when I say “ooohhh my.”...
This is one of those cases.
Ooohhh my…
This is just example 4,982,777,013 why I have never voted. Won’t vote in 2024. And will NEVER vote…
For the rest of you.
With all due respect.
Enjoy empowering and supporting this type of horseshit, by electing the lesser of several evils…
See you guys in the next debt crisis or government shutdown, in 2025… Not that there won’t be any before then…
Maybe I’ll vote for my own asshole.
It’s over 35 years old.
It was born in the USA.
It talks shit behind my back. Shouldn’t be trusted in the “White“house.
Will look great in paintings next to former POTUSes.
Will have a barely noticeable positive effect on anyone’s life.
And let’s be honest. It at least won’t get us in any long military conflicts.
Most importantly. Unlike most other presidents, it will actually be spending time in government chairs (where things get done,) rather than golf courses, or Camp David…
#Mr.G’s asshole 2024!
Let’s make sure the POTUS isn’t full of shit…
I’m @MrGrimm888 , and I endorse my asshole…
God bless America…
Don’t be so negative @MrGrimm888, you have very good choice between the Bloods (Dems) and the Crips (Repubs) as Jesse Ventura refered to them in one of his books.
^I was doing a nice Crip walk, whilst crafting my post… Wessst sssiiide bitches!!!
@MrGrimm888 I have to say I got some interesting mental images of your campaign. What would the election signs on the side of the road look like? Would anyone confuse your asshole with their Uncle Dan or Auntie Judith? What would your speeches sound like and would anyone complain about the bad breath? What about shaking hands and kissing babies?
I have to stop now. I could easily get carried away. Though to be honest your asshole would probably accomplish more than what we have seen for the past 50 years.
I would vote for Trump or DeSantis. And I would die before I voted for any democrat of any stripe whatsoever!!
@JBoyce That’s like a vote for an organ grinders monkey and a trained orangeatang.
@NoMore No, that sounds more like Biden/Harris
@ragingloli that is just ignorant. You want to make it seem like anyone that supports DeSantis is a Nazi. Gee…the Dems created the KKK so maybe anyone that supports Biden is part of the Klan? Besides, wasn’t it Germans that made Nazis so infamous? Yes. So does that mean all Germans are Nazis? See how ignorant that sounds?
Yup @ragingloli not just neo-nazi but full blown NAZIS !
He must happy for their support !
The Democrats that started the KKK were the same ones that threatened LBJ when he signed the Civil Rights law, then promptly left the party to become Republicans (all the KKK members I know are REPUBLICANS in North Carolina) I been invited to a cross burning couple of times.
@seawulf575 your faulty logic is amazing !
No one said ALL of Desantis’ followers were NAZIS but he is getting support and money from them !
I wonder WHY they are supporting him . . . ? ? ?
@Tropical_Willie Your grasp of history is as weak as your grasp on reality. Only 1 Democrat changed parties after the Civil Rights Act was passed. I know it helps your cognizant dissonance on an even keel if you can just change facts sometimes. Or all the time.
@Tropical_Willie Did you actually read the article you cited? It doesn’t actually say the Dems swapped party. It says some scholars believe they swapped after that, but they give no details. Try instead. Presented by Carol Swain, a professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt U. It gives a really good explanation as to why you are out to lunch still.
The change wasn’t total or immediate. During the late 1960s and early ‘70s, white Southerners were still transitioning away from the Democratic party (newly enfranchised black Southerners voted and continue to vote Democratic). And even as Republican Richard Nixon employed a “Southern strategy” that appealed to the racism of Southern white voters, former Alabama Governor George Wallace (who’d wanted “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever”) ran as a Democrat in the 1972 presidential primaries.
By the time Ronald Reagan became president in 1980, the Republican party’s hold on white Southerners was firm. Today, the Republican party remains the party of the South. It’s an ironic outcome considering that a century ago, white Southerners would’ve never considered voting for the party of Lincoln.
Yes, but don’t forget Hoover won the south in 1928 and Eisenhower won it twice in the 50’s. The Civil Rights act of 1964 didn’t change that much other than a strategy of how to appeal to people. You still had the racist Democrats (as witnessed by George Wallace in 1972), but the people started recognizing how screwed up the Dems really were and how they had done nothing for the blacks except oppress them. Funny how when you screw people over they stop liking you.
So I guess you are just mad that blacks are waking up and don’t want to be calling you masser anymore. And apparently you didn’t watch the link I gave you otherwise you wouldn’t be spouting garbage.
I think you missed HOOVER 1920s not 1960s !! !
Do you know the difference ? ? ?
@seawulf575 Such total bullshit. The Republicans figured out Christianity will get people to change parties. God is before everything for a lot of people. So, the bible belt switched parties, which happened to bring a lot of racist people into the party too.
75–100 years ago doesn’t matter.
80 years ago the Germans were killing Jews, gypsies, and the disabled.
250 years ago the US was fighting the British.
70 years ago white Southerners wouldn’t let Black people sit next to them on a bus, wouldn’t let them drink from the same fountain, eat at the same restaurants, or go to the same schools, but they would let Black people cook for them, clean their bathrooms and their dishes and be nannies for their children. How does that make sense?
80 years ago Israel didn’t formerly exist.
30 years ago Republicans supposedly cared if a President had an affair, today they don’t care.
Things change, and we need to deal with what is in front of us today. I don’t care if a German jelly had Nazi grandparents as long as the jelly is not Nazi minded. Why do you want to take credit for Lincoln when you probably think he was in the wrong. You seem more confederacy minded. I know you say you are not a Republican, but you vote with them.
@JLeslie Talk to @Tropical_Willie. He’s the one that started talking about the KKK and LBJ. And it was @ragingloli that brought the Nazis into it. And if you go back an look, I was just pointing out exactly what you just said.
@seawulf575 YOU wrote the Dems created the KKK, and left it there. Your aim is to imply that Democrats today are in the party of the KKK. No we aren’t! Today, the Republican Party has the people in the KKK and Reps also have other WS groups.
Exactly. The people today running around with confederate flags, who rage against confederate statues being taken down, the ones that yearn for the return of slavery and segregation, and who are masturbating while high on their “southern pride”, are not Democrats, they are republicans.
The demagogues that parrot the “democrats created the kkk” line, always conveniently ignore that pesky fact.
Likewise, Nazis are supporting desantis today. Not 80 years ago. Today.
Not because of the party name. Because they share the same ‘values’ and political views.
The dems didn’t create the KKK. They created themselves after the Civil War.
@Dutchess_III Sorry, they were the militant arm of the DNC. Nathan Bedford Forrest (a Democrat) founded them. All the original members were Democrats.
@JLeslie Go back and read what I posted. @ragingloli posted a link that said “This is who supports DeSantis”. I told him it was ignorant. I used a logic comparison that both claiming the KKK was created by the DNC and the Nazis were Germans so by his logic we could say that the Dems support the KKK and that all Germans are for Nazis. I even pointed out how ignorant it sounds. Stop taking one little snippet out of context and trying to make it into something it never was. That is below you.
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I know that the republicans were against slavery and Dems fought to keep it. But those parties bear no resemblance to today’s parties.
Republicans today are assholes, plain and simple.
And FWIW, @ragingloli knows more about the United States and its history than probably 75% of Americans do.
Oh, ffs, @seawulf575, your “KKK was founded by democrats” as some sort of “gotcha” is just silly and juvenile. It was founded in 1865, as a protest to abolition. Lincoln was a Republican, and the parties have seriously switched their foci in the last 158 years (which, in case you are unaware, is 88 years longer than half of our country’s history). In 1965 the Republican Party had very different ideals than it did in 1865, and today the ideals are pretty different from what they were 57 years ago.
@canidmajor But you know that the January 6th “visit” to the Capitol is not bad because Black Lives Matter people did much worse things in some cities? ~
Hahaha, @janbb, and I’m sure Hunter Biden’s laptop was involved somehow…158 years ago!!
Jan 6th is in a quantum triple superposition for republicans. It is simultaneously:
1. A “completely peaceful protest”.
2. Completely justified and next time they will succeed.
3. An “antifa” false flag conspiracy to make conservatives look bad.
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@canidmajor yep, darlin’, the Dems had the majority in 1965 and they voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Look it up. LBJ was a Dem as well, but he signed it into law despite his own party being against it. It was the Republicans that pushed it. A few of the Dems voted with them (that actually happened in those days) but it was touch and go for a couple months. I posted it once before and I’ll post it once again to educate you. It didn’t work the first time and you’d rather cling to your erroneous beliefs so I doubt you’ll even check it out. Go ahead and surprise me.
@seawulf575 The Democrats who voted against the Civil Rights Act in 1965 were Southern Yellow Dog Democrats. You are twisting the facts.
Those Democrats that voted against civil rights bill became GOP members . . . . after LBJ signed the law! They were DIXIE CRATS !
@Hawaii_Jake Soooo….the majority of the Democrats at that time were Southern Yellow Dog Democrats? after all, it was a majority of Democrats at that time that voted against the CRA.
@Tropical_Willie Your ignorance is showing through again. But I’ll try once again to get you to see the error of your ways. “Those Democrats that voted against civil rights bill became GOP members” It should be easy then for you to name them. They are all in public records that can be searched so you should be able to get their names and then show when they swapped to the Republican party. Do it.
@seawulf575 Can you STFU? What the Democrats did or didn’t do in 1965 doesn’t have any relevance to what is going on today and the fact that DeSantis is running on a far right platform and catering to extremists in his own state. The fact is that the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Acts were signed in to law; my uncle was instrumental in getting them passed. But you’ve totally derailed the thread which is about voting or not voting for DeSantis.
Just once, I’d love to hear you back down! And I’m out.
61% of Democratic representatives voted for the Civil Rights Act. @seawulf575 you are flat wrong.
This ain’t my scene anymore.
G out…
Peace and love…
The House voted 290 to 130 in favor. Democrats split their vote 152 (61%) to 96 (39%) while Republicans split theirs 138 (80%) to 34 (20%). The no vote consisted of 74% Democrats.
The Democratic supermajority in the Senate split their vote 46 (69%) for and 21 (31%) against. The Republicans, on the other hand, split their vote 27 for (82%) and 6 against (18%). Thus, the no vote consisted of 78% Democrats.
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