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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Has the pope ever claimed to speak to or for God?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25194points) June 1st, 2023

What does he think about those that do?

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9 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Also that if God spoke back.

KNOWITALL's avatar

No. Jesus appointed the first pope, the leader of the spiritual community, in his time.

For any believers, we know God does speak to us, but it’s usually more indirect. We do have an old thread that was quite interesting. ‘How has God proved his existence to you?’ I believe. It’s more detailed with many jellies replying. :)

janbb's avatar

@KNOWITALL Are you Catholic?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@janbb Yes I converted, not a cradle Catholic.

janbb's avatar

^^Thanks. I know there’s stuff in Catholicism about the infallibility of the Pope because he’s G-d’s representative on Earth but I don’t know enough about it to give an accurate answer. I am hoping some other Catholics weigh in.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@janbb Since I was raised Baptist, I have defended Catholicism often, usually related to the Pope and Mary, along with the saints. It is a form of infallibility but not worship. More veneration.
And not everyone agrees with the Pope or the Church doctrine, such as the abortion issue.

janbb's avatar

@KNOWITALL I have no dog in this discussion, just looking for knowledge. Both of my DILs were raised Catholic and I studied medieval history but I don’t know enough to answer the Q.

I sent it to @zenvelo and I see he is posting.

zenvelo's avatar

The Pope does not “speak for God”. The Pope and the Bishops, collectively the magisterium, are infallible only when speaking on matters of faith and morals.

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