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JLeslie's avatar

What is correct: interracial marriage or biracial marriage?

Asked by JLeslie (65976points) June 3rd, 2023

When two people who are different races get married, is that an interracial marriage or a biracial marriage? I say interracial, but I see biracial and multiracial. Is it all synonymous and understood the same way?

If one of the people is Hispanic would you use one of the terms I mentioned above, even if they are all the same race?

I am writing for a presentation and I want to make sure I get the terminology correct.


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15 Answers

Kropotkin's avatar

It’s “interracial marriage”.

I’ve got issues with the terminology, given that race isn’t a real biological category and there’s basically no such thing as “race” as people commonly understand. But that’s an aside.

elbanditoroso's avatar

“Interracial” seems more inclusive. A person could be part black and part native american and part white and part Persian, for example.

JLeslie's avatar

@elbanditoroso That person would be multiracial if I had to label them. I don’t love all the labeling either, like the first jelly mentioned, but I need it for the presentation.

Jeruba's avatar

Can you just say “mixed-race”? It sounds less clinical.

Poseidon's avatar

In my opinion a marriage is a marriage.

Why must the human race categorise so much?

What difference does it make if two white people or 2 black people tie the knot? Equally what difference does it make if an Middle Eastern Marries a white or black person or an Asian marries a white, black or Middle Eastern person

It is two people who love each other marrying one another.

As far as I am concerned this is also a form of racism.

Categorising people because of their race, colour, religion or creed is wrong and MUST stop. .

JLeslie's avatar

@Poseidon Maybe ask a Q about that. Why the US government, marketers, sociologists, and every day people categorize others and themselves by race, nationality, and ethnicity. It isn’t part of this Q though.

@Jeruba That could be a good alternative if I am using the other words too much.

ragingloli's avatar

Conservatives would call it “miscegenation” or “Blutschande”.

LostInParadise's avatar

Wouldn’t biracial refer to the child of an interracial marriage? It is similar to calling someone bilingual for speaking two different languages. I don’t know if there is such a word as interlingual, but I would speak of an interlingual exchange when two people try to communicate with each of them speaking a different language.

Glambarber's avatar

We say interracial where I live.

janbb's avatar

Like @LostInParadise , I would say interracial for the marriage and biracial for any children of it.

SnipSnip's avatar

Biracial means having to do with two races. Interracial means inclusive of two or more races.

Bi vs Inter

canidmajor's avatar

My neighborhood has a number of families that fall into this category, they all say “mixed race”, but it is in a casual setting.

raum's avatar

Maybe not officially, but I have an old school connotation to the word interracial.

It makes me think of the first couples that were challenging social taboos at the time.

In the context of the Bay Area where it’s pretty much the norm, I’d generally use “mixed-race”.

And “biracial” in discussions about balancing two cultures.

jca2's avatar

in your presentation, you could refer to it as “mixed race or interracial” so that people would hear both terms, and if they were not familiar with one term, they might know the other term.

RocketGuy's avatar

Biracial seems to indicate exactly 2 races, so they would have to be clearly two different races (100% of one with 100% of another). Interracial suggests 2 or more. That seems more inclusive, in case one or both parties are already born of more than one race.

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