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chyna's avatar

How often do you talk to your siblings if you have any?

Asked by chyna (51768points) June 10th, 2023 from iPhone

I generally talk to one brother on the phone daily and the other brother texts me several times a day and we speak on the phone once a week. How often do you generally speak to siblings?

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18 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I talk to my brother several times a week.

JLeslie's avatar

It has changed over time. In college I talked to her about once a week. For a while in my 20’s I talked to her almost every day. Then in my late 30’s we had a strain on our relationship and didn’t talk much for almost a year. Eventually, we started texting more and talk on the phone sporadically. We now text a few times a week and talk maybe 3 times a month, but it’s random.

gorillapaws's avatar

I usually talk 1–2 times per week with my younger sister. Sometimes it can be a couple of weeks between phone calls.

LuckyGuy's avatar

We can go for months without talking to each other. We’ll trade emails or texts now and then to catch up but actual phone calls are rare. It’s not that we hate each other or anything like that. It’s more like a phone call is not a priority and we both have stuff going on.

canidmajor's avatar

I don’t. Ever.

gondwanalon's avatar

I only talk to either of my two older Sisters when something bad happens (Someone dies or is injured or sick). I send them post cards when I travel and Christmas cards. They’re my fb friends and have a little communication with them that way.

I communicate with my cousin nearly every day through e-mails. I’m much closer to her than my sisters.

janbb's avatar

I talk to one brother every couple of months and see him about 3 times a year. The other brother I don’t really talk to on the phone but I see him when I’m out their way. I do talk to that SIL occasionally.

A few of my cousins are like sisters to me and I’m close with some of my nephews and nieces.

jca2's avatar

I have a sister who lives about an hour away and we have a big difference in ages. We text sometimes daily but definitely a few times a week. We see each other usually every few months, sometimes more frequently if there are events or holidays. We have a different father so technically we’re half sisters.

flutherother's avatar

I’m in contact with my brother two or three times a year and his wife, my sister in law, perhaps five or six times a year. I’m in contact with my sister every couple of months or so. Contact isn’t very frequent, nevertheless, I would say we are quite close.

Dutchess_III's avatar

2 sisters. Never. And it’s sad.

filmfann's avatar

Oldest sister: (lives ½ hour away) every week, see her every 3 weeks.
Other older sister (lives 1 mile away) texting every morning, voice call or physical visit once a day
Younger brother (lives 4 hours away) text every couple months. Occasional voice calls, maybe 3 times a year.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I only have 1 brother. We were close as kids. Once I grew up & left home & he left home & got married, we no longer had that much in common. He’s a VERY private person who NEVER welcomes visitors. He despises phone calls, so if I want to contact him, it MUST be by text. He now has Leukemia & his wife of 30 years decided she didn’t love him & couldn’t live with him anymore. Then when she went to move out, she had to face the reality that she couldn’t afford to support herself on her teacher’s salary, so she refused to move out. Now she lives on the 1st floor & he lives on the 2nd floor & they avoid each other as much as possible. He doesn’t want to discuss it & that’s fine with me. We text about once every 3 weeks & he usually waits about 2 days to respond. I’ve just learned to NOT be overly concerned when I don’t hear from him as it usually means that he’s just in a bad mood & it won’t be a very polite convo anyway. Often I wait for him to contact me because that makes it “his” idea & he can live with that.

I also have 1 cousin who was an only child & all her family has passed. She lives in Texas, so we seldom see each other. We do text almost weekly. It’s always nice to hear from her!!!

Lastly is my BFF who was the closest that I ever had to a sister!!! She’s about 18 months younger than me & I was there the day she was born. We talk a minimum of once a week & text several days a week. We also go out to lunch about once every 2 weeks or so.

NoMore's avatar

Two sisters and a brother. As the oldest I try to keep the peace. Bro still hates them because they cheated us out of our share of the inheritance. Guess every family has one or two like that.

SnipSnip's avatar

I talk to my sister most every day.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Sister #1 – every 3–4 days

Sister #2 – every 2 weeks; she lives overseas and the time difference can be an impediment.

cheebdragon's avatar

1–2x a year, maybe more if there is a death in the family.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Couple times a week.

RocketGuy's avatar

I used to chat with my brother only a few times a year. Nowadays, since he has been managing our mom’s assisted living situation we have been chatting a lot more often.

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